Wisdom, like water, runs down to my feet
The more that you tell me, the less I can sleep
越是被告知更多 越是夜不能寐
Time is a weapon that takes every man
Oh let me be young, I won't understand
求你让我再年轻些吧 我还有太多的无知
Rise up like smoke, let the air choke
就像轻烟袅袅升起 空气混浊不堪
Mountains crumbling down, oh let them go
就像山崩地裂之时 万物四散奔逃
Rise up the sea, oh let me be
就像海平面冉冉升起的红日 让我置身其中吧
And let the waves crash over me
(And let the waves crash over me)
Let go of reasons, surrender to fate
管他何因何果 谁逃得过命运使然
The apple of Eden is all yours to taste
Nobody's perfect and things will be rough
人无完人 凡事也必经艰险
Love conquers all, so let there be love
可要是还存在着爱 就能战胜一切
Rise up like smoke, let the air choke
就像轻烟袅袅升起 空气混浊不堪
Mountains crumbling down, oh let them go
就像山崩地裂之时 万物四散奔逃
Rise up the sea, oh, let me be
就像海平面冉冉升起的红日 让我置身其中吧
Rise up the sea, oh, let me be
就像海平面冉冉升起的红日 让我置身其中吧
And let the waves crash over me
Rise up the sea, oh, let me be
就像海平面冉冉升起的红日 让我置身其中吧
And let the waves crash over me
Rise up the sea, oh, let me be
就像海平面冉冉升起的红日 让我置身其中吧
And let the waves crash over me
1.Rise Up
2.Rise Up (Acoustic Version)