1.A Death in the Family:Butterfly Aria: If anything ever makes me believe in Life After Death
2.A Death in the Family:t I: Prologue: Every time the sun goes down (Distant voices, Aunt Hannah, A Boy's Voice, Andrew, Voices, Jay, Rufus)
4.First Song
5.Passage:No. 2. Limited
6.Passage:No. 5. What Lips My Lips Have Kissed
7.3 Madrigals:No. 1. The Passionate Shepherd To His Love
8.3 Madrigals:No. 2. The Nymph's Reply To The Passionate Shepherd
9.3 Madrigals:No. 3. To Electra
10.Abandoned Bells
11.Fern Hill
12.La Belle Dame Sans
13.One Christmas Long Ago: Alleluia
14.Enter Ariel:No. 4. Hist Wist
15.Enter Ariel:No. 3. Flotsam
16.Inner and Outer Strings