The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: Last half of the Ninth (Watchman)

1.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: Noon of the Big Day
2.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: Championship of the State (Watchman, Merry)
3.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: Strategy (Thatcher, Snedeker)
4.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: Peanuts, popcorn, soda, crackerjacks (Watchman, Concessionaire, Hawkers)
5.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: Dance of the Hawkers (Watchman, Charlie)
6.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: The Mighty Casey (Watchman, Chorus)
7.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: Autograph (Charlie, Chorus)
8.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: You look so sweet today (Watchman, Merry)
9.The Mighty Casey:Scene 1: Kiss me not goodbye (Merry, Watchman)
10.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: Last half of the Ninth (Watchman)
11.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: Two out (Chorus)
12.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: If only Casey (Chorus, Watchman)
13.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: A prayer (Merry)
14.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: Surprise (Chorus, Watchman)
15.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: This gladdened multitude (Watchman, Chorus)
16.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: You're doin' fine kid (Catcher, Watchman)
17.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: Rhubarb: 'Ya blind (Chorus)
18.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: I'm fed to the teeth (Manager)
19.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: A strike's a strike (Umpire, Chorus)
20.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: The Rhubarb Dance (Watchman, Umpire, Chorus)
21.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: Hist'ry hangs on a slender thread (Chorus, Snedeker)
22.The Mighty Casey:Scene 2: Oh, somewhere (Watchman)
23.The Mighty Casey:Scene 3: Twilight of the big day
24.A Question of Taste:Prelude
25.A Question of Taste:No, no, the knives go on the right (Mrs. Hudson, Louise)
26.A Question of Taste:Your Father expects this (Louise, Tom)
27.A Question of Taste:I'm not a man to your Father's taste (Tom, Louise, Mrs. Schofield)
28.A Question of Taste:Our wealth is our love (Tom, Louise)
29.A Question of Taste:There's been a small accident, I fear (Mrs. Schofield, Pratt)
30.A Question of Taste:No meal can be called complete (Mrs. Schofield, Pratt, Schofield)
31.A Question of Taste:Here now! You'll never name this one (Schofield, Pratt)
32.A Question of Taste: interesting little wine (Pratt, Schofield)
33.A Question of Taste:Is that your final answer? (Schofield, Pratt)
34.A Question of Taste:I believe these glasses are yours, sir (Mrs. Hudson)
35.A Question of Taste:Our chance now at last (Tom, Louise, Schofield, Mrs. Schofield, Mrs. Hudson)
36.A Question of Taste:This wine glass tonight will bubble and sing (Tom, Louise, Schofield, Mrs. Schofield, Mrs. Hudson)