Since first I saw your face I resolved
To honour and renown you;
If now I be disdained I wish
My heart had never known you.
What I that loved and you that liked,
Shall we begin to wrangle?
No, no, no! my heart is fast
And cannot disentangle.
If I admire or praise you too much,
That fault you may forgive me;
Or if my hands had strayed but a touch,
Then justly might you leave me.
I asked your leave, you gave me love;
Is now the time to chide me?
No, no, no! I'll love you still,
What fortune ever betide me.
The Sun, whose beams most glorious are,
Rejecteth no beholder,
And your sweet beauty past compare,
Made my poor eyes the bolder:
Where beauty moves and wit delights,
And signs of kindness bind me,
There, oh there! Wherever I go
I leave my heart behind me.
There, oh there! Wherever I go
I leave my heart behind me.
1.English Folk Song Suite:My Bonny Boy
2.Scherzano Sul Tuo Volto
3.Adagio In G Minor
4.Pavane Op. 50
6.Olha Maria (Amparo)
7.Three Latin American Dances:Joropo Peligroso
8.Three Latin American Dances:Danzón de Etiqueta
9.Three Latin American Dances:Tango en Parque Central
10.Since First I Saw Your Face
11.Ma Mère L'Oye (Mother Goose Suite):Les entrentiens de la Belle et de la Bête (Beauty and the Beast)