Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: VIII. Solo e Coro "Let envy then conceal her head"

1.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: I. Solo "Eternal source of light divine"
2.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: II. Solo e Coro "The day that gave great Anna birth"
3.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: III. Solo "Let all the winged race with joy"
4.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: IV. Soli e Coro "Let flocks and herds their fear forget"
5.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: V. Duetto e Coro "Let rolling streams their gladness show"
6.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: VI. Duetto "Kind health descends on downy wings"
7.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: VII. Duetto e Coro "The day that gave great Anna birth"
8.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: VIII. Solo e Coro "Let envy then conceal her head"
9.Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne: IX. Solo e Coro "United nations shall combine"
10.Dixit Dominus: Coro "Dixit Dominus"
11.Dixit Dominus: Aria "Virgam virtutis tuae"
12.Dixit Dominus: Aria "Tecum principium in die virtutis"
13.Dixit Dominus: Coro "Juravit Dominus"
14.Dixit Dominus: Coro "Tu es sacerdos in aeternum
15.Dixit Dominus: Soli e Coro "Dominus a dextris tuis"
16.Dixit Dominus: Soli e Coro "De torrente in via bibet"
17.Dixit Dominus: Coro "Gloria Patri, et Filio"