Astronaut In The Ocean(REMIX)

Astro-naut,宇航-员,What you know about rollin' down in the deep?你对深渊有什么理解?When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze,当你头脑麻木——亦可被称作精神冻结。When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah,当别人说个不停,就把它慢速播放。I feel like an astronaut in the ocean, ayy,我感觉像个深海里的宇航员。What you know about rollin' down in the deep?你对情感交织有什么理解?When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze,当你头脑麻木——亦可被称作精神冻结。When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah,当别人说个不停,就把它慢速播放。I feel like an astronaut in the ocean,我感觉像个深海里的宇航员。She say that I'm cool (Damn straight),她说我很酷。I'm like "Yeah, that's true" (That's true),我说:“确实如此”。I believe in G-O-D (Ayy),我相信上帝,Don't believe in T-H-O-T,不相信女人。She keep playing me dumb (Play me),她玩弄我像傻子,I'ma play her for fun (Uh-huh),我要好好玩玩她。Y'all don't really know my mental,你不知道我的心理。Let me give you the picture like stencil,我来给你构建一下这个画面。Fallin' out in a drought,大吵一架,情感冷漠。No flow, rain wasn't pourin' down (Pourin' down),没有气流,雨滴不会掉落(另:不发歌就赚不到钱),See, that pain was all around,看吧,痛苦无处不在。See, my mode was kinda lounged,看吧,我的状态有些懒。Didn't know which, which way to turn,不知道该走哪条路。Flow was cool but I still felt burnt,气流凉爽,可我仍觉灼热(另:说唱高超,但我仍感焦虑),Energy up, you can feel my surge,精力充沛,你感觉到了我的激情。I'ma kill everything like this purge (Ayy),我要毁灭一切,就像一场清洗。Let's just get this straight for a second, I'ma work (Yuh),我们先把话说明白,我要工作了。Even if I don't get paid for progression, I'ma get it (Uh, get it),我也要继续,即使进步不会带来回报。Everything that I do is electric (Ayy),我所做的一切都令人惊讶。I'ma keep it in a motion, keep it movin' like kinetic, ayy (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah),我会保持内心驱动力,持续前行。Put this shit in a frame, better know I don't blame,把这东西好好珍藏,我不会怪谁。Everything that I say, man, I seen you deflate,我说的每一句话,都可见地让你泄气。Let me elevate, this ain't a prank,让我来振作你,这可不是恶作剧。Have you walkin' on a plank, la-la-la-la, like,你曾否遭遇甲板漫步的酷刑。Both hands together, God, let me pray (Now let me pray), uh,双手合十,上帝啊我要祈祷。I've been goin' right, right around, call that relay (Masked Wolf),我总是转来转去,这叫接力赛。Pass the baton, back and I'm on,传过接力棒,我又回来了。Swimmin' in the pool—Kendrick Lamar, uh (Ayy),在游泳池里游泳,就像Kendrick Lamar。Want a piece of this, a piece of mine, my peace a sign,是否想尝尝这滋味,尝尝漂亮女孩,尝尝面粉。Can you please read between the lines?麻烦您看看我歌词的意思,My rhyme's inclined to break your spine (Spine),我的押韵会让你五体投地。They say that I'm so fine (Fine),他们说我好厉害!You could never match my grind (True),你永远也无法企及。Please do not, not waste my time (Wolf),请不要浪费我宝贵的时间了。What you know about rollin' down in the deep?你对情感交织有什么理解?When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze,当你头脑麻木——亦可被称作精神冻结。When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah,当别人说个不停,我就左右手一个慢动作。I feel like an astronaut in the ocean, ayy,我感觉像个深海里的宇航员。What you know about rollin' down in the deep?你对情感交织有什么理解?When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze,当你头脑麻木——亦可被称作精神冻结。When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah,当别人说个不停,我就把这玩意慢放。I feel like an astronaut in the ocean,我感觉像个深海里的宇航员。
1.Astronaut In The Ocean(REMIX)