You tell me that you love me when you see me at a party
你在派对上看到我 就开始奉承我
Then I watch you turn around and see you whisper to somebody
然后我看到你转身离开 跟你的小姐妹们窃窃私语
You look in my direction looking like you got a secret
你时不时朝我看来 像你有什么秘密一样
But your friends don't really care about ya, they ain't gonna keep it
但你知道吗 你所谓的好姐妹并不真的爱你 他们不会挽留你
You comment on my photos thinking that I don't know
你与姐妹们对我的照片评头论足 还以为我一点都不知道
You're telling all your girls that I'm such a stupid hoe
你告诉他们 我就是个愚蠢的金发妹
You're way too pretty to be so mean
你这么漂亮 为什么还要这么刻薄呢
Baby, I don't care if you don't like me
宝子 我其实一点都不在乎你喜不喜欢我
Just don't be fake, say it to my face
有本事别装 当着我的面来骂我
What the **** is up with b♡tches these days?
你们这些该死的贱女孩 到底想怎样?
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
b♡tches these days
你们这些贱女孩 又编排我什么?
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
What the **** is up with b♡tches these days?
你们这些该死的贱女孩 到底想怎样?
held your hair when you were throwing up and stay with you outside the club
你抱着垃圾桶吐的时候 我帮你抓住头发 陪你待在吧外清醒
When you were doing bumps inside, you know I didn't tell no one
当你在浴室磕嗨的时候 你知道 我没有告诉任何人
I didn't even care when you told me you ****ed my ex
当你告诉我你与我的前任云雨时 我甚至一点都不曾在意
Until you went and did the same thing to the next and next and next and next
你知道你下一次 再下一次 你一直做着这样的事情
I guess I got it all wrong, maybe I'm a dumb blonde
我猜我真的搞错了所谓的真心 如你所说是个金发蠢货
Could've sworn you told me that you cried to all my sad songs
你曾信誓旦旦地告诉过我 我所有的悲伤歌曲 都让你潸然泪下
You're way too pretty to be so mean
你这么漂亮 为什么还要这么刻薄呢
Baby, I don't care if you don't like me
宝子 我其实一点都不在乎你喜不喜欢我
Just don't be fake, say it to my face
有本事别装 当着我的面来骂我
What the **** is up with b♡tches these days?
你们这些该死的贱女孩 到底想怎样?
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
b♡tches these days
你们这些贱女孩 又编排我什么?
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
What the **** is up with b♡tches these days?
你们这些该死的贱女孩 到底想怎样?
b♡tches these days wanna say my name
你所谓的好姐妹们 现在都想告诉我他们爱我
Tryna play these games when we're not the same, yeah
当我们都不复曾经美好 我会操纵她们虚假的喜欢
b♡tches these days drive me insane
你们曾编排我的一切 让我快发疯
Girl, you look so lame and it's such a shame
亲爱的 你现在看起来真的很差劲 我真的很遗憾
You're way too pretty to be so mean
你这么漂亮 为什么还要这么刻薄呢
Baby, I don't care if you don't like me
宝子 我其实一点都不在乎你喜不喜欢我
Just don't be fake, say it to my face
有本事别装 当着我的面来骂我
What the **** is up with b♡tches these days?
你们这些该死的贱女孩 到底想怎样?
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
b♡tches these days
你们这些贱女孩 又编排我什么?
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
What the **** is up with b♡tches these days?
你们这些该死的贱女孩 到底想怎样?
1.Bitches These Days