How you gonna do with the blue time? x4 (伤心的时候怎么办?)
I say love as you can x4(尽情相爱吧)
Brought a girl to the party(带了个女生去参加派对)
lovin’ in Bugatti(坐在布加迪里 我对她有了爱意)
Only love the Fendi(但她只喜欢Fendi)
Now it’s time to shake(不管了 摇起来吧!)
It’s a lit.(燃起来!)
What you do (什么打算?)
Let’s go party for the move (派对走起)
It’s a lit (燃起来!)
Got ‘em do (多带点人)
Let’s go party for the move(派对走起)
I say go back do not bother me to waste my time(你快回去吧别烦我浪费我时间)
If no English I take Mandarin and Espanyol (英语说不利索说汉语或者西语我也能明白)
You say that you wish that she is foolish(你希望她傻傻的)
Man I ain’t big fish(算了吧 我没啥能耐)
And she’s no childish(她也不幼稚)
They told me no more extra time in the Madden(别人让我少花点时间打电动)
If you luv her you gon buy her Louis Vuitton(你要是爱她就给她买LV)
Man How you gonna do, bro? (你该怎么办)
How you gonna do?(你该怎么办)
How you gonna do, bro?(你该怎么办)
How you gonna do?(你该怎么办)
How you gonna do with the blue time? X4(你伤心的时候应该怎么办)
I say love as you can x4 (尽情相爱吧)
Brought a girl to the party(带了个女生去参加派对)
lovin’ in Bugatti (坐在布加迪里 我对她有了爱意)
Only love the Fendi(但她只喜欢Fendi)
Now it’s time to shake(不管了 摇起来吧!)
It’s Jaylen on the track (杰伦带你飞)
XA on the track(徐奡带你飞)
It’s BH on the track(薄昊带你飞)
SWM on the track(宋维民带你飞)
Those haters are fakers(黑子们都是假的)
I’ll make her a laker(我要让她爱上湖人)
And I ain’t go to the skater's(我没空去玩滑板)
Sorry I’ll be the mayor.(我还有城市要管理)
How you gonna do with the blue time? x4 (伤心的时候怎么办?)
I say love as you can x4(尽情相爱吧)
Brought a girl to the party(带了个女生去参加派对)
lovin’ in Bugatti(坐在布加迪里 我对她有了爱意)
Only love the Fendi(但她只喜欢Fendi)
Now it’s time to shake(不管了 摇起来吧!)
1.How U Gonna Do