编曲 郭机智
混音 增先生
母带 增先生
Don't bother me coz you leave me alone//离开之后就别来打扰我了
Get away from me I'm keeping down//离我远点别妨碍我继续丧
You bring me the pain//我始终不明白
I can't understand//为什么你带给我的伤害
Why keeping so long//竟然能持续这么久
Don't bother me coz you leave me alone//所以别打扰我了赶紧滚开
Get away from me I'm keeping down//有关你的一切让我持续下坠
You bring me the pain//我永远无法明白
I can't understand//你带给我的伤害
Why keeping so long//竟然会持续这么久
I can still call out your nickname//你的爱称还会被我提起
Just like I did before you left me//就像你离开我之前那样
But our love seems to be sick//但我们的爱是病态的
You do not want to see me anymore//因为自始至终就只有我单向奔赴
I rather go//我应该离开你
I wanna go//我想远离这种无法名状的伤感
Coz no one really know why I'm so fa king looped//却没人理解我在纠结什么
You let me know//你让我理解了
How can I feel cold//就算夏天也会如此冰冷
But you don't know how I cooled down//你也不会知道我的热情是如何冷却下来的
Made a sad song//所以我唱了这首丧歌
The silent night inspired me//伸手不见五指的黑给了我灵感
Your fa king lies did not kill me//你的背叛再不会影响到我
I'm not afraid that no one knows me//我不会在乎是否有人理解我
You let me know what I mean//是你让我知道我的存在就只是舔狗罢了
It falls down//我的世界不断下坠
Take a pill and you can forget//安眠药会帮我忘记你
It falls down//我的心再也不会充满热情
Easy to let you out of my mind//这样就可以轻松忘掉你
It falls down//我的思想不断崩塌
No one will be by my side//一个人的生活就很好
It falls down//我就算丧到极致
I will never commit suicide//也绝对不会为了一个b池去死
Don't bother me coz you leave me alone//离开之后就别来打扰我了
Get away from me I'm keeping down//离我远点别妨碍我继续丧
You bring me the pain//我始终不明白
I can't understand//为什么你带给我的伤害
Why keeping so long//竟然能持续这么久
Don't bother me coz you leave me alone//所以别打扰我了赶紧滚开
Get away from me I'm keeping down//有关你的一切让我持续下坠
You bring me the pain//我永远无法明白
I can't understand//你带给我的伤害
Why keeping so long//竟然会持续这么久
I don't wanna leave ye//我也不想离开
I don't wanna go//但我必须得走了
Party in my house ye//像个花花公子每天开派对
Money running flow//花钱如流水
Can I say something ye//你觉得我还能说些什么吗
Now I'm thinking you//现在我竟然在想你
Now I know you need me//我现在知道你需要我了
You know I need too//可早点的时候我也需要你
You're fa king on my brain//现在你已经不算什么了
Now I'm staying on the land//我早就离开了你的鱼塘
I lay off day to the night//在你离开我的时候
When you say goodbye//我的世界就已经彻底毁灭了
I would die for you//我可能会为你而死
It's no time my juice//但不是现在了我的b池
Alright go go go//好了我要走了
I don't wanna say anything//我什么都不想对你说了
I know know know//我其实全都知道了
Your coming just pity me//你tm就是在玩我
Oh my bro//现在陪着我的有我的兄弟
Suicide I can't breath in now//但心碎地感觉就像是溺死在水里
Cash on flow//挥金如土
How many bitches//但得来不过几个b池
I ****ed up//所以都给我滚开
I say I don't wanna be alone//就算我不想孤身一人
I'll glad when you say you come//可我竟然会期待你永远在我身边
Don't bother me coz you leave me alone//离开之后就别来打扰我了
Get away from me I'm keeping down//离我远点别妨碍我继续丧
You bring me the pain//我始终不明白
I can't understand//为什么你带给我的伤害
Why keeping so long//竟然能持续这么久
Don't bother me coz you leave me alone//所以别打扰我了赶紧滚开
Get away from me I'm keeping down//有关你的一切让我持续下坠
You bring me the pain//我永远无法明白
I can't understand//你带给我的伤害
Why keeping so long//竟然会持续这么久
You let me down//你让我落到如今的境地
You let me down//亲眼看着我继续腐烂
You let me down//让我不再相信任何感情
You let me down//孤身一人选择下坠
You let me down//你让我彻底失去信心了
You let me down//我再也不会回头了
You let me down//给过你的机会都见鬼去吧
You let me down//反正我现在这样也是你想要的
1.fking life
3.oh my my (qreo版)
4.oh my my (伊利版)