编曲:red killer
录音:Gentle Jaw佳恒
baby girl please don't run away
i want you be my girlfriend×2
i remember every word you say
miss you in this way forever with me to stay
***y girl please don't run away
i want to be your boyfriend×2
爱你是我犯的罪 忘不掉是你的美
想怀里有你的 星空
情绪交织泛滥 你懂
你所期待的体位 需要慢慢去体会
让我照顾你的胃 把其他女孩都得罪
缠绵你樱桃小嘴 到底是错还是对
来我怀里带你飞 送给你的玻璃杯
迷恋你的烈火唇 留下草莓味吻痕
对你不想太认真 只做你一人的战神
我会带你见妈妈 我会带你听hiphop
有我在你不要怕 最怕rapper说情话
嗯 喂!嗯 对!迷 醉!心 扉!
机 会!无 味!憔 悴!心 累!
baby girl please don't run away
i want you be my girlfriend×2
i remember every word you say
miss you in this way forever with me to stay
***y girl please don't run away
i want to be your boyfriend×2
爱你是我犯的罪 忘不掉是你的美
there no reason tell me why
why i am be in the ******* life
lying every morning and night
I havn,t ever see the sky
always told by ******* they saidi am ******* jurk but i don,t mention
to fight back only need a diss but now i have no dedication
that you have covered my whole face empression
i thank god that i thoughti love you is my only mission
see there world is betterbut why you now leave me alone
i can rem(ember) every details that we be here but now i,m alone
miss you in the solar miss you in the ******* zone
want to drink a sodabut want to with you in my home
那天夜里声音让我 辗转反侧
搂住双峰细腰让我 害羞忐忑
余生请多指教和你 缠绵悱恻
丘比特穿心你跟我 天造地设
你的痛的 我所想的 那次过了 我还记得 你的梦了 我所载的 我痛哭了 你差点丢了我独自站在 那个街头 听你借口 失声怒吼 想到慕后 你所做的 你所爱的 你所好的
我才明白 你早已不在
怪我失败 我早已淘汰
baby girl please don't run away
i want you be my girlfriend×2
i remember every word you say
miss you in this way forever with me to stay
***y girl please don't run away
i want to be your boyfriend×2
爱你是我犯的罪 忘不掉是你的美
我会去琢磨你的爱好 嗜好
你会把我当你的迷药 解药
i wiil put down my gun
take you see the sun
feel your beauty in my heart
the first time i met you i want you be my lover
so i wrote down a plenty of romantic words on my paper
since tnen i have found i ran out of my anger
you know without you i will get cancer
i promise to be better
girl please don't go further
maybe our love in danger
but i will love you forever