I need Melinda, Brenda, Linda
我需要梅琳达 布兰达 琳达伴我身旁
And when I bend her
Send her timber
I don't offend her
I enter agenda
And when I bend her I send her timber
当我令她弯腰 为她送去木材
Come on over you can ride all night
快来吧 你整晚都可与我尽享鱼水之欢
'Bout to blow up baby dynamite
宝贝 你就像是炸药 即将引爆全场
It's only happening if the vibe is right
唯有氛围恰到好处时 这一切才会奏效
Knock you down like а Tyson fight
将你扑倒 我如同搏击赛里的拳王泰森
Am I available? Depends who's looking
我是否有闲暇 取决于找我的是何人
Am I coming over? Depends who's cooking
我是否会过去 取决于谁来烹饪晚宴
You know you come to me I give you that addy
你知道自己会奔我而来 我会给你想要的
Give you that weed and gin no addy
我会给你*麻 搭配杜松子酒
I don't want kids just call me Daddy
Money not skinny and you got a fatty
我的钱包阔卓 鼓鼓囊囊 而你也盆满钵满
Can't fall in love 'cause l'm just not there yet
我不能坠入爱河 因为还没发展到那一步
Can't get attached 'cause I just don't care yet
我现在不能依恋于你 因为我只是不在乎
I need Melinda, Brenda, Linda
我需要梅琳达 布兰达 琳达伴我身旁
And when I bend her
l send her timber
I don't offend her
I enter agenda
And when I bend her I send her timber
当我令她弯腰 为她送去木材
Come on over you can ride all night
快来吧 你整晚都可与我尽享鱼水之欢
'Bout to blow up baby dynamite
宝贝 你就像是炸药 即将引爆全场
It's only happening if the vibe is right
唯有氛围恰到好处时 这一切才会奏效
Knock you down like a Tyson fight
将你扑倒 我如同搏击赛里的拳王泰森
Can't fall in love 'cause l'm just not there yet
我不能坠入爱河 因为还没发展到那一步
Can't get attached 'cause I just don't care yet
我现在不能依恋于你 因为我只是不在乎
Can't fall in love 'cause l'm just not there yet
我不能坠入爱河 因为还没发展到那一步
Can't get attached 'cause I just don't care yet
我现在不能依恋于你 因为我只是不在乎
I'm too fly I got options
有诸多选择 我飘飘欲仙
Come into the city pick and roll - John Stockton
进入"城市" 使出挡拆 就像犹他爵士队的斯图克顿
My grandpa had three wives at once
l'm starting to think I might need more than one
现在我也开始想 自己是不是也需要不止一个
I need Melinda, Brenda, Linda
我需要梅琳达 布兰达 琳达伴我身旁
And when I bend her
I send her timber
I don't offend her
I enter agenda
And when I bend her I send her timber
当我令她弯腰 为她送去木材
Come on over you can ride all night
快来吧 你整晚都可与我尽享鱼水之欢
'Bout to blow up baby dynamite
宝贝 你就像是炸药 即将引爆全场
It's only happening if the vibe is right
唯有氛围恰到好处时 这一切才会奏效
Knock you down like a Tyson fight
将你扑倒 我如同搏击赛里的拳王泰森
Can't fall in love 'cause l'm just not there yet
我不能坠入爱河 因为还没发展到那一步
Can't get attached 'cause I just don't care yet
我现在不能依恋于你 因为我只是不在乎
Can't fall in love 'cause I'm just not there yet
我不能坠入爱河 因为还没发展到那一步
Can't get attached 'cause l just don't care yet
我现在不能依恋于你 因为我只是不在乎