I felt dizzy when she said she loved me
Now I'm all alone and walking home
Stars are out and I've been feeling lonely
Doesn't take a lot when I'm on my own
Does it show on the screen I've been living in a dream?
I don't know what it means but I know it's killing me
so come on home babe, come on home
we've got Ice cream and toblerone
it's like the 90s so **** your phone
you should come back home
If the stars could answer I would ask them
what's the point of anything these days
The world's on fire and we're just moving backwards
tell me what to do and what to say
I saw her in a cab
on 14th street and 6th ave
sometimes life moves too fast
we keep speeding til we crash
and then it hit me when she passed
that I was hoping things would last
now it's over and I'm walking back