Oh my where did the weekend go?
哦 天哪 周末去哪儿了?
Oh man, Monday snuck up so fast
天啊 周一过得可真快
No one keeps me in the loop when I get back
我回来的时候 没人告知我最新消息
Guess it's up to me to stay in the loop
Oh, stayin' the loop, stayin' the loop
保持消息灵通 保持消息灵通
Stayin' the loop, stayin' the loop (Yeah)
Stayin' the loop, stayin' the loop
随时了解情况 随时掌握情况
Stayin' the loop (Yeah)
Get it stayin' the loop, stayin' the loop
保持消息灵通 保持消息灵通
Stayin' the loop, stayin' the loop (Yeah)
Stayin' the loop, stayin' the loop
随时了解情况 随时掌握情况
Stayin' the loop (Yeah)
East Coast friends fill me in, I know you get the early scoop
东海岸的朋友告诉我 我知道你拿到了第一手消息
Online trends that border cringe start to feel overused
网上种种卑躬屈膝的走向 逐渐有些泛滥
I saw this band I think you dig but the record got bad reviews
这乐队我有所耳闻 虽然唱片的评价很差 但我想你很喜欢
But then the singer looked into my eyes all the way across the room
但是歌手在房间另一头 一直盯着我眼睛
And he said Damn!
他痛斥一声 淦
St. Louis to New Orleans someone take me off my feet
从圣路易斯 到新奥尔良
Rode horseback down the Mississippi, some gotta keep me in the loop please
沿着密西西比河骑马环游 我得了解下最新情况
1.The Loop