Messiah's Abomination

Abyssal blasts of raging profanation unburying the essence of perpetual revelation angel of aberration enslaved into submission banished from the fallen mortifying faith hear the nailed
Christ sorrowful screams as the holy wounds hurt and bleed pestilent infestation towards retribution as the dying earth agonizes and pervades the horrors of holocaust accursed epitome of the emptiness of god fallen scriptures denounces deceit baptismal of destroyed sacrament high priests spewing blood transgressing the signs of holiness raging plague entombs the church of
Christ chaos summoning into the eternal night black earth emplagued by the obscured skies baneful storms chaotic winds blow an evil blast proclaim extermination of sacred domain abyssal gates of raging profanation unburying the essence of perpetual revelation angel of aberration ensalved into submission banished from the fallen mortifying faith hear the nailed
Christ sorrowful screams as the holy wounds hurt and bleed
1.Cursed Scrolls
2.Întro / Ravager
3.Abyssal Gates
4.Soul Devourer
5.Messiah's Abomination
6.Conquerors Of Armageddon
7.Iron Stakes
8.Endless Madness Descends
9.Hatred Inherit