Shoutout to GOATBOIZ
Shoutout to RAY
Shoutout to  mixer chill
Shout to everyone who always KTFR
KTFR—— “keep the fuking real”
Summer vacation(正值酷暑)
Lie down on the beach (在沙滩上消遣)
Take some i’ve taken  (享受我的战利品)
soda but not lean (只整健康的)
No conversation(别妄图交流)
Just in my room(我只沉浸在自己的空间)
Sunshine on my skin(阳光拍打着皮肤)
ice in my rum(冰块在朗姆酒杯中碰撞)
Summer vacation(正值酷暑)
Lie down on the beach (在沙滩上消遣)
Take some i’ve taken  (享受我的战利品)
soda but not lean (只整健康的)
No conversation(别妄图交流)
Just in my room(我只沉浸在自己的空间)
Sunshine on my skin(阳光拍打着皮肤)
ice in my rum(冰块在朗姆酒杯中碰撞)
I spend my summer vacation on the island  burning out here (在这座岛屿上尽情纵燃释放消磨时光)
Celebrate like Pericles hey baby give me the ton’s beer (像伯里克利一样一口干掉庆功酒)
Promoted to Indian chief  all of my people let’s cheer (印第安酋长般让我们共同举起酒杯)
Hang wit my dude clean up the fool burry the hatchet (和兄弟们一起清理掉多余的化干戈为玉帛)
Sorry about the fact that imma the real big wig(很抱歉让你知道事实是我才是真正的大人物)
whenever you met me you need to realize that you barking up the wrong tree(无论何时当你遇到我你都应该反省自己下了步烂棋)
ain't play with the trap but if i do imma the best(不屑于做trap但一做肯定是最好的)
Don’t let me got your hand as we all know both of them are red(小心点别让我戳穿了你身上掩饰不了的污点)
Hey peep can you tell me tell me how to do this (RIP里皮)
I just keep myself don’t care how many pretty crush on me (我只坚守自己丝毫不在意身边是否已围满鲜花)
Neither noise nor bounce only sun bath can make me chilling (不在乎躁动与火热只享受阳光的沐浴)
Both stars dotted with the moon and diamond on my hands all are shinning(天上的星星和我手上的钻戒一样永远闪耀)
Summer vacation just party without any reason(在这酷暑无休止地狂欢)
Relaxing day and night don’t care if it is weekend (无论什么时候都可以尽情放纵每个日夜)
Summer vacation(正值酷暑)
Lie down on the beach (在沙滩上消遣)
Take some i’ve taken  (享受我的战利品)
soda but not lean (只整健康的)
No conversation(别妄图交流)
Just in my room(我只沉浸在自己的空间)
Sunshine on my skin(阳光拍打着皮肤)
ice in my rum(冰块在朗姆酒中碰撞)
Summer vacation(正值酷暑)
Lie down on the beach (平躺在沙滩上)
Take some i’ve taken  (享受我的战利品)
soda but not lean (只整健康的)
No conversation(别妄图交流)
Just in my room(我只沉浸在自己的空间)
Sunshine on my skin(阳光拍打着皮肤)
ice in my rum(冰块在朗姆酒中碰撞)