The voivode commands us, Axes of the armaşi,
In our loyal hearts no fear shall Grow
our Lord, our pledge be heard
We are the Pike upon your shield of arms
We are your Axe your will our lives
By nobles ripped from comforts, tits
The plans of war conceived
A bastion forged to spread his wrath
Hail voivode hail the armasi
We are the Pike on your shield of arms
We are your Axe your will our lives
The repulsed Join the impaled
The Succumbed: Praised, our prince is hailed
Six leagues thick, two dozen horses tall forest of rotting impaled
Men of every God, rot as one beneath our feet, festering
Sick, poor, royal blood ,kill them all!
We are the Pike on your shield of arms
We are your Axe your will our lives
1.Axes of the Voivode I
2.Axes of the Voivode II
3.Living Sacrifice