Brain patterns altered since birth.
To serve the higher cause.
Pawns of twisted vision.
Manipulate to do thy bidding.
It is easy for them.
To control us this way.
To think is obsolete.
Therefore no way to question their rule.
A mindless, lifeless zombie.
To walk the rest of it's days.
There's only one law to serve them.
All else results in termination.
Breeding is done by means of test tubes.
It seems strange to me to end up this way.
Torn from my state of being.
Stripped of all my worth.
I can no longer feel what is being done to be.
I have awakened.
Yet cannot move.
Paralysis has stricken me.
I pray for death.
I cannot speak.
Enslavement now possesses me.
Bleed, bleed.
You scream at me.
Worthless is my soul you say.
You feed the lie.
The collapse my will.
Feed, feed.
On what's left of me.
Eating away at a life I once lived.
You left me in your wake.
Or so you think.
Vigilant in your plans to deny.
You will not overtake.
To win the stakes.
I will not cower to your lies.
Your foolish greedy mind.
Is filled with selfish pride.
It will bring you to your knees.
Flailing in the cess.
This convoluted mess.
The origin of your disease.
混音师 : Scott Burns/Suffocation
1.Lunatic of God's Creation
2.Sacrificial Suicide
3.Oblivious to Evil
5.Dead by Dawn
7.Carnage in the Temple of the Damned
9.Day of Darkness
11.Memorial Arrangements
12.Premature Burial
13.Remnants of Withered Decay
14.Multiple Stab Wounds
15.Impaled Existence
16.Sacrificial Annihilation
17.Thou Shall Kill!
18.Injected Sufferage
19.Decadence Within
20.Malevolent Creation
21.Internal Bleeding
22.Godly Beings
23.'Til Death
24.Gates to Hell
25.Immortal Visions
26.Words of Evil
29.Proliferous Souls
30.Reduced to Ashes
31.Pierced from Within
32.Thrones of Blood
33.Depths of Depravity
34.Suspended in Tribulation
35.Torn into Enthrallment
36.The Invoking
37.Synthetically Revived
38.Brood of Hatred
39.Breeding the Spawn (Pierced Version)
40.Slowly We Rot
44.Deadly Intentions
45.The Process of Suffocation
46.Suspended Animation
47.The Trauma
48.Chronic Infection
49.Echoes of Death
50.Out of the Body
51.Deify Thy Master