Pour up (Drank), head shot (Drank)
斟满 喝 一饮而尽 喝
Sit down (Drank), stand up (Drank)
坐下 喝 站起 喝
Pass out (Drank), wake up (Drank)
失去意识 喝 醒来 喝
Faded (Drank), faded (Drank)
意识模糊 喝
Now I done grew up 'round some people livin' their life in bottles
Granddaddy had the golden flask, backstroke every day in Chicago
爷爷有个金酒瓶 他每天都喝得酩酊大醉
Some people like the way it feels, some people wanna kill their sorrows
有人喜欢酒精带来的快感 有人只是为了借酒消愁
Some people wanna fit in with the popular, that was my problem
有人只是想融入他人朋友圈 那么我的问题来了
I was in a dark room, loud tunes, looking to make a vow soon
我在一间黑暗的房间内里 音乐震耳欲聋 我对自己宣誓
That I'ma get ****** up, fillin' up my cup, I see the crowd mood
这次一定要喝到意识全失 斟满酒杯 我看到人群躁动
Changin' by the minute and the record on repeat
Took a sip then another sip, then somebody said to me:
抿着一口又一口的酒 突然有人对我说
Okay, now open your mind up and listen me, Kendrick
好了 Kendrick 醒醒 听我说
I am your conscience, if you do not hear me, then you will be history, Kendrick
我是你心底的仅存的良知 如果你不听我的 你就会死掉
I know that you're nauseous right now and I'm hopin' to lead you to victory, Kendrick
我知道你现在非常难受 让我来带领你走出困境
If I take another one down, I'ma drown in some poison, abusin' my limit
如果再喝一杯 我就会超过我的极限
I think that I'm feelin' the vibe, I see the love in her eyes, I see the feelin'
我好似在梦中飞行 我看到了她眼中的爱意
The freedom is granted as soon as the damage of vodka arrived
伏特加让你获取了自由 但同时也在吞噬你
This how you capitalize, this is parental advice
Then apparently I'm over influenced by what you are doin'
很明显 我已被其他人深深毒害着
Pour up (Drank), head shot (Drank)
斟满 喝 一饮而尽 喝
Sit down (Drank), stand up (Drank)
坐下 喝 站起 喝
Pass out (Drank), wake up (Drank)
失去意识 喝 醒来 喝
Faded (Drank), faded (Drank)
意识模糊 喝