God Wants Us All To Work In Factories

Dying can be that easy,
Getting born again can be somewhat hard.
A snake eating its own tail,
Riding the new wave of new.
Wading in the sentimental sperm of now.
Don't wait for God to judge you because we can do that.
The words you sing are wrong since all masters are taught exactly what masters are to know.
The chorus sings: "I'm unimpressed".
The one who is only God cannot be thee top dog.
Employer, employ me some stale dead dog **** all **** bag.
Heave! Ho!
Well, in case you did miss the memo
Rest in peace neoclassical absurdity.
Let's polish turds.
Then eat them.
Yum, yum.
2.Book of Bot
3.We Have Reached an Offical Verdict: Nobody Gives A Shit
4....Doing the Unnecessary...For the Ungreatful
5.One Manometer Away from Mutally Assured Relocation
6.Full Frontal Obscurity
7.Scavenger, Invader
8.Hot Tubs Full of Brand New Fuel
9.God Wants Us All To Work In Factories
10.Slum Service(Served on the Sly)
11.Tower Of Mammal