The Modern Western World

From turnpikes to highways
[tool: 歌词滚动姬]
And gravel into dust
[length: 02:20.513]
From soybeans to silhouettes advancing in the dusk
Sky above I fell in love while I was sitting still
The rate at which the Rust Belt fades to Appalachian hills, oh
从路侧大片的豆子 到黄昏中不断前行的轮廓
当我静坐时 我爱上了头顶的蓝天
Drive south as history unfolds
驾驶到铁锈地带时 速度减缓到在阿拉巴契亚山脉时那般
The awe-inspiring death-defying metamodern world
Take my word I think we'll be alright
随着历史的发展 向南行驶
Lost myself along the way but had the greatest time
这令人敬畏 无惧死亡的超现代世界
I'll pass you somewhere in the night
相信我所说的 我认为我们会安然无恙
一路上迷失了自我 可却度过最精彩的时光
A stranger out in Utah gestures towards the muddy car
在夜晚的某地 我会从你身旁经过
He said hey are you nomads, did you come from somewhere far
I said I don't know man but it feels that way today
在犹他州 一位陌生人指着我这满是泥泞的车
This highway is the last breath of an empire in decay
他问 “嘿你是在到处流浪吗 你是从很远地地方来的吗”
我说 “我不清楚伙计 但我感觉今天就是这样”
Drive south as history unfolds
The all-providing, soon expiring modern western world
Take my word I think we'll be alright
随着历史的发展 向南行驶
Lost myself along the way but had the greatest time
现代西方世界提供一切 但昔日鼎盛很快便会消亡
I'll pass you somewhere in the night
相信我所说的 我认为我们会安然无恙
1.The Modern Western World