Out of Africa. Clarinet Concert and A Major Orchestra. Adagio (From "Out of Africa")

1.La Traviata: "Oberture" (From "La Traviata")
2.2001: A Space Odyssey. The Blue Danube Waltz (From "2001: A Space Odyssey")
3.Volver a Empezar. Canon in D Major (From "Canon")
4.Sleeping With the Enemy. Symphonie Fantastique Op. 14. Allegro Non Troppo (From "Sleeping With the Enemy")
5.Out of Africa. Clarinet Concert and A Major Orchestra. Adagio (From "Out of Africa")
6.The Witches of Eastwick. A Little Night Music. Allegro (From "The Witches of Eastwick")
7.Misery. Moon Lingth Sonata No. 14 1er Mov. (From "Misery")