There磗 this bridge
I磛e got to cross
I feel alone.
A child down to each side and
I can磘 carry both.
The bridge is long we could fall down through holes, water all around; wind, wet and cold.
One child insecure displays the confidence he doesn磘 own, another child, uncertain, looks around and cries for home.
My bridge is too unstable and the insecurity is letting go.
There磗 no holding to a crumbling bridge.
When all the time is gone in between it tumbles.
Time to move along...
I toss and turn over and over, trying to dream out anxiety, easy answers to my problems.
Keeping a grip on sanity until the sun comes up and my mind磗 fresh and clean.
1.All Laced Up
2.Die For The Government
3.Loose Interpretation Of The Bomb
4.No Guts
6.Fish People
7.State of Alert
8.Born Addicted
9.Thinking of Suicide
10.It's All Over
11.The Bridge
12.Be My Girl
13.Flossing With an E String
14.Stop the Production
17.Slow, Stupid & Hungry
18.Corporate Life
19.I Don't Care
21.Nobody Move
23.In Need of a Holiday
24.Sky Flying By
25.Reggae Gets Big in a Small Town
26.It's Your Right
27.Colossal Sleep
28.I Wanna Beavis You
29.To You
30.Positive Dental Outlook
31.Food for Thought
33.Nra Jingle