No Questions -Pham/Njomza
I won't I won't I won't conform
No new friends they tried but I just shut the door
I don't give a f**k about nobody else
Why should I care when they all for themselves
I'm drinking whiskey out the bottle
Up until the moon falls
Going full throttle
Not answering no phone calls
Spent too much time catching feelings
Now I'm higher than the ceiling
Changed my way of thinking
I don't give a
I don't give a f**k 'bout who you think you are
You are
You won't to me got
I'm for deserve deserve
You think you deserve it you ain't put no work in
You ain't put no work in
I won't I won't I won't conform
Although sleep is nice matress on the floor
Been digging deeper always searching for more
With no one around me where were you before
Now it's whiskey out the bottle
Up into the moon far
Coming full throttle
Not answering no phone calls
Spent too much time catching feelings
Now I'm higher than the ceiling
Changed my way of thinking
I don't give a
No way no way out
Here got thing
Here got thing
I confused
I confused
No way out
No way no way out
Go back to you
Go back to you
The other day
The other day
Flown away
Flown away
Stop that I got it
I won't move aside this
'Cause you mean no sorry
So answer no questions