Sky dunk 从天而降
导演喊个Action turn the lights on
感觉身上太烫 像是被这气氛扔进微波炉里
台上立马多个time bomb
So u gotta Bounce to the bass
Gonna bounce no break
Gonna bounce till em break
Keep it bounce don’t quit
一起bounce and then pray
面具带上化身开膛手I slice this piece
心狠口辣verbal mafia Sinatra
彭彭 丁满 辛巴hakunamatata
We don’t role play we ain’t acting drama
别想往我脸上抹黑 玛卡巴卡
“国内做英文说唱你倒时差吗” (哈?)
How you feel like that?
Bet you never think me could this build these stacks
Pop the tag
Then I dodging bad vibe with the Euro step
U know my music the fusion between the future and moment,
abuse these rappers like children,got them muted,
(保持歌词优势 改正听感不足 让他们哑口无言)
amusement build up on passion no question,
a hobby not a profession,
(但爱好就是爱好 不靠这个当饭碗)
That’s why they never catch me like Mewtwo ,
(这就是为什么他们追不上/抓不住我 像追/抓 超梦 )
don‘t have psychic power but i‘m still cool
Sky dunk 从天而降
导演喊个Action turn the lights on
感觉身上太烫 像是被这气氛扔进微波炉里
台上立马多个time bomb
So u gotta Bounce to the bass
Gonna bounce no break
Gonna bounce till em break
Keep it bounce don’t quit
一起bounce and then pray
面具带上化身开膛手I slice this piece
I don’t say shit
Action preaches them youngins' like a bishop.
Stay on pivot Never see me quit my day shift
(持续发力 你是看不到我偷懒的)
Chasing crowds, no no, I came from a spaceship
才华还能容下many more
Like Stadium
就像water vaporize at boiling point(水在沸点气化)
穿透了虫洞 瞬间 到达 pinnacle(顶点)
Guess somebody wants me back
You could try, give it more time, I may reply to
(可以试下 时间长了 我可能回复)
ur text, matter of fact, just being polite.
apple pie, appetizing, but I decline.
(像苹果派 着实挺诱人的 但不用了谢谢)
Caroline, u not bona fide, u just a dime a dozen
(你不真诚 这种一抓一大把)
I am better kind, hold mic, even got metal buzzing.
Market Occupying, with my pen, I am penalizing,
(一支钢笔攻占市场 带来惩罚)
Fk u attention seeker culture dessert 综艺 节目的 pass
(哗众取宠的 文化沙漠的 拜了您走好 )