Die Valkyrie: "The Ride of the Valkyries"

1.The Marriage of Figaro: "Non Piu Andrai"
2.L'ariesienne: "Farandole"
3.Le Prophete: "Coronation March"
4.Lohengrin: "Bridal Chorus"
5.Faust: "Waltz and Chorus"
6.Ginni Schicci: "O My Beloved Father"
7.Martha: "M'appari Tutt' Amor"
8.Faust: "Soldier's Chorus"
9.Don Giovanni: "Il Mio Tesoro"
10.The Magic Flute: "Queen of the Night's Aria"
11.Don Giovanni: "Deh Vieni All Finestra"
12.Samson and Delilah: "Bacchanale"
13.Die Valkyrie: "The Ride of the Valkyries"
14.Eugene Onegin: "Waltz and Chorus"
15.Eugene Onegin: "Polonaise"