Songs of the Auvergne: "Uno Jionto Postouro"

1.Songs of the Auvergne: "Bailero"
2.Songs of the Auvergne: "Chut Chut"
3.Songs of the Auvergne: "Postouro se tu M'aymo"
4.Songs of the Auvergne: "Uno Jionto Postouro"
5.Songs of the Auvergne: "Lo Fiolaire"
6.Songs of the Auvergne: "L'aio de rotso"
7.Songs of the Auvergne: "Jou l'pount d'o Mirabel"
8.Songs of the Auvergne: "Lou Coucut"
9.Songs of the Auvergne: "Malurous qu'o uno fenno"
10.Songs of the Auvergne: "La delaissado"
11.Songs of the Auvergne: "N'ai pas ieu de mio"
12.Songs of the Auvergne: "Pour l'enfant"
13.Songs of the Auvergne: "Lou boussu"