The Romantics, An Introduction

1.The Tiger - William Blake
2.The Human Seasons - John Keats
3.The School Boy - William Blake
4.To Summer - William Blake
5.The Angel That Presided - William Blake Spell
6.To Winter - William Blake
7.How Sweet I Roam'd from Field to Field - William Blake
8.A Red, Red Rose - Robert Burns
9.A Poets Welcome to His Love Begotten Daughter - Robert Burns
10.A Man's a Man for A' That - Robert Burns
11.Scots Whahae - Robert Burns
12.Ae Fond Kiss - Robert Burns
13.Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats
14.La Belle Dame Sans Merci - John Keats
15.Bright Star - John Keats
16.The Eve of St Agnes - John Keats
17.On the Sea - John Keats
18.Happy Is England - John Keats
19.A Party of Lovers - John Keats
20.If by Dull Rhymes Our English Must Be Chained - John Keats
21.On Seeing the Elgin Marbles for the First Time - John Keats
22.In Drear Nighted December - John Keats
23.The Day Is Gone and All Its Sweets Are Gone - John Keats
24.A Draught of Sunshine - John Keats
25.O Solitude If I Must with Thee Dwell - John Keats
26.Lines Written in the Highlands After a Visit to Burn's Country - John Keats
27.November by John Clare
28.Frost at Midnight - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
29.To an Infant - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
30.Work Without Hope - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
31.Lines on Observing a Blossom - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
32.To a Primrose - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
33.A Night Rain in Summer - James Henry Leigh Hunt
34.To a Fish - James Henry Leigh Hunt
35.The Romantics, An Introduction
36.She Walks in Beauty - Lord Byron
37.Sonnet to Lake Leman - Lord Byron
38.When We Two Parted - Lord Byron
39.To a Lady Who Presented to the Author a Lock of Hair - Lord Byron
40.The Dark Blue Sea - Lord Byron
41.The First Kiss of Love by Lord Byron
42.I Would to Heaven That I Was so Much Clay by Lord Byron
43.Pleasure's Past - John Clare
44.First Love - John Clare
45.Summer Evening - John Clare