Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Reich mir die Hand für's Leben"

1.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:Ouvertura (Live At The Opera, Cologne / 1960)
2.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Keine Ruh' bei Tag und Nacht"
3.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Leporello wo bist du?"
4.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Welch ein grau'nvolles Bild" - "Fliehe Verwegner fliehe!"
5.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Wohlan heraus mit der Sprache"
6.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Ach werd ich ihn hier finden?"
7.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Wer ist da? - Himmel was seh' ich?"
8.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Sch?ne Donna dies genaue Register"
9.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"So schm?hlich hinterging mich dieser freche Betrüger"
10.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Oh ihr M?dchen zur Liebe geboren"
11.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Gott sei Dank dass sie fort ist!"
12.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Hab's verstanden gn?d'ger Herr!"
13.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Befreit sind wir nun endlich"
14.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Reich mir die Hand für's Leben"
15.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Sch?ndlicher kein Schritt mehr!"
16.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Oh flieh' Betrog'ne flieh'!"
17.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Es ist's als ob ein D?mon sich verschworen"
18.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Traue dem glatten Heuchler nicht"
19.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Armes bet?rtes M?dchen!"
20.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Ach Ottavio ich sterbe!"
21.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Du kennst nun den Frevler"
22.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Kaum vermag ich zu glauben"
23.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Nur ihrem Frieden"
24.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Ich muss auf alle F?lle für immer diesen saub'ren Herrn verlassen"
25.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Auf denn zum Feste"
26.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Masetto h?re doch lieber Masetto!"
27.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Schm?le schm?le lieber Junge"
28.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Ei da seht diese Hexe!"
29.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Hurtig hurtig eh' er nahet"
30.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Seid mutig edle Freunde"
31.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Ruht euch aus ihr reizenden"
32.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 1:"Frecher Bube!" - "Bebe bebe Misset?ter!"
33.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Gib dich zufrieden!"
34.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Leporello! - Euer Gnaden!"
35.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Mein Herz was soll dein Zagen?"
36.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Nun Freund was sagst du jetzt?"
37.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Feinsliebchen komm' ans Fenster!"
38.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Es regt sich was am Fenster"
39.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Ihr geht nach jener Seite hin"
40.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Stille! Lasst mich erst horchen"
41.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Ich wei? ein Mittel"
42.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Ich sehe Fackeln schimmern"
43.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Einsam hier an dunkler St?tte!"
44.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Also du bist der Schuft"
45.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Ach erbarmt Euch liebe Herrn"
46.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Halte Sch?ndlicher halte!"
47.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Folget der Hei?geliebten"
48.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"In welchen Abgrund oh Himmel"
49.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Mich verriet der Undankbare"
50.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Hahahaha vortrefflich!"
51.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"O hochverehrte Statue"
52.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Auf tr?ste dich o Teure!" - "Ich grausam?"
53.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"O sag' nicht o mein Geliebter"
54.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Herrlich ist das Mahl bereitet"
55.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Sieh mich noch einmal"
56.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Don Giovanni! Ich hab's vernommen"
57.Don Giovanni ossia Il dissoluto punito K.527 - german translation by Georg Schünemann arranged and edited by Kurt Soldan / Act 2:"Wo ist der Sch?ndliche?"