i've catered to the likes of you. believed you knew something i didn't. the whole is huge, but barely wide enough to blacken everything and sustain a lie. we turn the couch around and dance again, destroy a living room with all my friends. a secret key, a confidence. one heaven sent. a halo not yet bent. you can compete. it makes life sweet. we haven't seen anything. you so complete. so much cooler than me, you will be the catch of a lifetime. you in your sleep, still could land on your feet. you will be the catch of a lifetime.
4.One Bird. One Stone
5.This Life, So Unlike The Last
6.26 Is Too Soon
7.B-Side Poetry
8.Yes, You're Busted
9.Pick A Town, Find A Box, Live Alone
10.Free Advice
11.*** Ruins Everything
13.Little Time Bomb