Program And Disjunction

two ships ride close, too close
and she’s going to her last long home
to see her now plainly and
i should know her among the thousand and one
none have thee better
although knowing half the battles
and the path of the lantern
oh, the bells ringing their full breath alarm
my own one waiting
till winter denies me my sails(x2)
1.An Ace Unable To Change
2.Easts Heart Divided
3.This Time Anything Finite At All
4.Hearts Newly Arrived
5.Till Morning Reputations
6.One Of Those Uncertain Hands
7.A Humble Cause Again
8.The Rules of Absence
9.Just What Can Last
10.Program: The Mask
11.Structuring: Necessity
12.Seperations: Reminger
13.Program And Disjunction