now i'm alone it's christmas

Deck the halls, the snowflakes fall 走过大厅雪花飘下
But I'm not feeling glad at all 可我一点也不开心
It's Christmas and I fvcking miss you 圣诞夜就要到来可爱心头只有你
Last year we drank so much 去年我们烂醉如泥
We meant to open presents up 本要去拆开圣诞礼物
Then laughed so hard we couldn't breathe 却笑到喘不过气
And passed out on the couch asleep 并昏睡在了沙发上
With you, it was festive 与你一起的时光才有着节日气氛
Now I'm alone it's manic depressive 现在我一个人狂躁抑郁
Crying on the couch to Elf alone 在沙发上独自哭泣
So deck the halls, the snowflakes fall 走过大厅雪花飘下
But I'm not feeling glad at all 可我一点也不开心
This holiday is not the same without you by my side 你不在我身边的圣诞大不如前
I'll still try to force a smile 我还会挤出微笑
Just hope I make it out alive 努力熬过这天
It's Christmas and I fvcking miss you 但圣诞这天我真tmd想你
Walking down the streets alone 独自走在空旷的街道上
Humming every single carol that I know 哼唱着我熟悉的每一首歌
But I can't even sing in tune 可我的旋律完全不在调
And they all sound like shit without you 没有你在我身边 他们全部走样
Don't know how I even sleep at night 不知今夜我将如何入眠
Staring out at the Christmas lights 望着窗外的圣诞彩灯
I should get drunk 我该喝点酒
We should call it 让这一夜就这样结束
'Cause this whole year's been dogshit anyway 毕竟这一年也过得不怎么样
Deck the halls, the snowflakes fall 走过大厅雪花飘下
But I'm not feeling glad at all 可我一点也不开心
This holiday is not the same without you by my side 你不在我身边的圣诞大不如前
I'll still try to force a smile 我还会挤出微笑
Just hope I make it out alive 努力熬过这天
It's Christmas and I fvcking miss you 但圣诞这天我真tmd想你
I don't wanna be a bummer 我不想扫兴
But maybe I'll see you next summer 但或许明年夏天我们还能再见吧
If we stop fvcking this up 如果我们不再把一切搞砸
But if that seems optimistic 但一切看起来依旧乐观
Maybe I'll see you next Christmas 或许明年圣诞我们还会再见
Deck the halls, the snowflakes fall 走过大厅雪花飘下
But I'm not feeling glad at all 可我一点也不开心
This holiday is not the same without you by my side 你不在我身边的圣诞大不如前
I'll still try to force a smile 我还会挤出微笑
Just hope I make it out alive 努力熬过这天
It's Christmas and I fvcking miss you 但今天这圣诞我真的太想你了
It's Christmas and I fvcking miss you 但今天这圣诞我真的太想你了
It's Christmas and I fvcking miss you 但今天这圣诞我真的太想你了
专辑信息 time in space eve am i yours
3.have urself a merry little christmas i'm alone it's christmas