牡丹亭·寻梦·江儿水 (live)

Jiangershui, selected from “Seeking the Dream” from The Peony Pavilion
(Sing) By the side of this plum tree, my heart was tied to another.
If our choice in love were as free as our love for flowers,
If life and death were in our hands, there would be an end to suffering.
There would be an end to suffering. Yes, I will keep watch over this plum tree, until I meet my beloved once more.
1.酒歌 (live)
2.七月 (live)
3.滴答 (live)
4.扬州故事 (live)
5.月亮升起来 (live)
6.扬州的夏日 (live)
7.三十年 (live)
8.左脚调 (live)
9.上山下 (live)
10.蚂蚱 (live)
11.撤退的歌 (live)
12.香格里拉 (live)
13.螃蟹 (live)
14.八段锦 (live)
15.茉莉花源头 鲜花调 (live)
16.玉簪记·琴桃·懒画眉 (live)
17.牡丹亭·游园·好姐姐 (live)
18.牡丹亭·游园·皂罗袍 (live)
19.牡丹亭·寻梦·江儿水 (live)
20.虞美人 (live)
21.知心客 (live)
22.牡丹亭·惊梦·山桃红 (live)
23.板桥道情 (live)