Winter Torture

Come together to tear down the sky
Deny revelations seen with my eyes
Alone together, we breathe as one
We suffocate under the frozen sun
We work together to eliminate time
Destroying ourselves, ignoring the signs
We've gone too far, there is no turning around
So dig your grave beneath the frozen ground
The cracks start to show
I don't know if the ice will hold
The winter of torture never ends
Summer dies and it starts again
The shapes in the snow
This winter of torture never ends
We all die, then it just starts again
We pray together to make the world end
To bathe in the blood of our families and friends
Unknown conclusions, the loss of control
You can't go to hell if you don't have a soul
Gather together to poison the air
We take our last breath and still we don't care
No motor functions; your vision is blurred
Lying in a pile of dead boys and girls
1.False Pretense
2.A Night Like This
3.Lost Time
5.A Simple Restriction
8.Inside Out
9.The Source
10.Still So Strange
11.Winter Torture