Hot cups (Hot)热腾腾的一杯
Starbucks (Starbucks)星巴克
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Cigar (Smokin')尝尝雪茄
She rolls in coffee (Coffee)她在咖啡中翻腾(指星巴克杯子上的标志)
She's hotter than these hotties (Yeah,them hotties)她比其她女人都要火辣
We jump in Audi (Skrt)我们坐上奥迪
Tonight we gonna party(Par-par-party)今晚狂欢不止
Fingers shinin' (Woo,rings sparkle)戒指发着光
Iced wine (Yeah)再配一杯冰红酒
Drop'em necklaces (Drop it)挂着成串的链子
Gold chain's on my wrists (Wrist)戴着大金表
Motorin' four abreast (Four)四辆跑车并排而行(指参与Starbucks的四位歌手)
******* all'em twist(Yeah)女人们都舞动着
Discount's on Friday(Discount)星期五店里打折
Homies're hittin' the bottle(Drinkin')兄弟们都畅快饮酒
Please me,I'mma hot dog(Please)取悦我吧,我像是最有魅力的人
******* out,make it wobble(Yeah)让我玩弄着她们的**
White girl's from Chicago(White)白人女孩来自芝加哥
She's cupcake,I just swallow(Cake)她就像纸杯蛋糕,我恨不得一口吞下
Had to get money to win lotto(Bingo)该弄点钱去玩玩彩票
Notes're floatin',they bubbles (Money)钞票飘在空中就像泡泡一样
Smoke in the air,I choke a bit(Yeah,chain-smoke)烟雾缭绕,我有些上头
Gotta go hypnosis(Take a break)让我好好休息休息
No,I ain't really wanna boastin'(Brag)不,说实话我不想吹嘘
If I sell it then I'll be focus一旦当我做买卖的时候,我将成为焦点(指STUPIEX在Terror Tactic的MV中卖猪肉的片段)
Coupe roarin' attracts all my hoes(Hoes)跑车引擎发动的声音吸引着女人们
I've got Gucci pour money(Whoo)我的Gucci不停地吐着钱
Put dat Louis Vuit' in frozen(Gucci)顺便给LV镶点钻
Coffee spatters on the roses(Rose )咖啡溅在那玫瑰上
Like dat fat ass I'd spouted(Skrt skrt skrt,yeah)就像我刚刚完事
Ice on my neck(Ice)项链闪闪发光
I do not clean up,still keeps the purest(Glah)我不去清洁它,它仍保持耀眼
Hot cups (Hot)热腾腾的一杯
Starbucks (Starbucks)星巴克
Light up (Click)点支烟
Cigar (Smokin')尝尝雪茄
She rolls in coffee (Coffee)她在咖啡中翻腾(指星巴克杯子上的标志)
She's hotter than these hotties (Yeah,them hotties)她比其她女人都要火辣
We jump in Audi (Skrt)我们坐上奥迪
Tonight we gonna party(Par-par-party)今晚狂欢不止
Fingers shinin' (Woo,rings sparkle)戒指发着光
Iced wine (Yeah)再配一杯冰红酒
Freaky Joker:
When I woke up just this mornin', I got four bucks今天早上我醒来的时候,我只有四块钱
Oh my god, my bad, that’s eight bucks噢,不好意思,是八块钱
You see last night was a jam and I spent all昨晚玩得太嗨,把钱都花完了
Gotta be enough for a hot cup of coffee现在喝一杯热咖啡提提神就够了
Then I get up to clean up and put myself in a shirt然后起床打扫卫生,穿上衬衫
And in my black little short还有我的小黑裤
Say a little prayer to the Lord向上帝祈祷一下
Oh Lord, thank you哦,谢谢你,上帝
I can get a coffee so I stroll out我可以边喝着咖啡边散步
Then I step into the shop, all eyes on me随后进入一家超市,不觉大家都在看着我
Like “what the ****”就像“搞什么鬼”
All eyes on me, I couldn’t say **** but it is what it is so I get in我说不出话来,但事实就是这样
They just ran out of Mocha他们刚刚喝完摩卡咖啡
I gotta order a local我应该向商店问一下
How about the tea with the pearls then来一杯珍珠奶茶怎样
And let me pay you the check hey并把钱付了
Then I turn around find a pretty lady之后转身偶遇一位漂亮的女士
Sittin' at the corner with the pretty piercing戴着耳环,坐在角落
Then I paid for my **** and took my tea to her table我付了钱后随后将茶递给了她
“Hold on, hold on, uhm, nice to meet you”等等,很高兴见到你
“I got a room and a pack of movies if you
wanna watch something scary”如果你想看点惊悚片的话,我这里有一间房和一系列电影
Then I guesss I impressed her cause she left with me我想我也许给了她深刻的印象,她随我一起离开了
We got back, no movies你知道我的意思
You know what I mean, I ain’t really gotta say it其实根本没有什么电影,你懂吧
Not a reason to go to Starbucks这不是去星巴克的理由
Hot cups (Hot)热腾腾的一杯
Starbucks (Starbucks)星巴克
Light up (Click)点支烟
Cigar (Smokin')尝尝雪茄
She rolls in coffee (Coffee)她在咖啡中翻腾(指星巴克杯子上的标志)
She's hotter than these hotties (Yeah,them hotties)她比其她女人都要火辣
We jump in Audi (Skrt)我们坐上奥迪
Tonight we gonna party(Par-par-party)今晚狂欢不止
Fingers shinin' (Woo,rings sparkle)戒指发着光
Iced wine (Yeah)再配一杯冰红酒
But so sorry please go out (ei)
没人在听 没人在盯
鞋子很新 脚步很轻
Oh ****ing guy interrupts me呵坏男孩你居然来打扰我
(You see)Money get down你看,金钱遍地有
You’re like the crawl你像个蠕虫一样满地走
Said that aloud I would be your god大声求求我还可以保佑
Richer than you instead of none比你富有而不是一无所有
(Kidding laughter) Come on嘲笑声,我已经站守
Watching MABE come to stunning your steam看着我来将你的精气耗尽
Don’t be shy you’re shrinking your fame别害羞你在削弱你的名气
Stick your hair but you still the fake保持造型但你也只是图个硬气
Champion was here but you fail the game冠军在这你却输了游戏
Yo I look,what‘s your love especial hook在我看来你最喜欢的是那种**
See you cough,the pills you lost we never need it anymore既然我们相斥那我们也不再需要你
Hot cups (Hot)热腾腾的一杯
Starbucks (Starbucks)星巴克
Light up (Click)点支烟
Cigar (Smokin')尝尝雪茄
She rolls in coffee (Coffee)她在咖啡中翻腾(指星巴克杯子上的标志)
She's hotter than these hotties (Yeah,them hotties)她比其她女人都要火辣
We jump in Audi (Skrt)我们坐上奥迪
Tonight we gonna party(Par-par-party)今晚狂欢不止
Fingers shinin' (Woo,rings sparkle)戒指发着光
Iced wine (Yeah)再配一杯冰红酒