The Poor People Of Paris

I was high and mighty,
How I laughed at love
And the stars above,
Then you came like a gentle flame
And helped me to find my way!
I was high and mighty
And I told my heart
Where to stop and start,
Now I find that I was blind,
I'm learning it day by day!
Love can change things,
Rearrange things,
Oh, what strange things
Love can do!
I'm not high and mighty
But I have what's worth
All the gold on earth,
I have you and I give my heart
Forever and ever to you, you, you!
1.Le gorille
2.Roses et Pommiers blanc
3.La Vie En Rose
4.Claire de Lune
5.Chanson d'amour
6.C'est magnifique
7.April In Paris
8.La piano du pauvre
10.Vous qui passez sans me voir
11.L'?me des po?tes
12.Fleur de Paris
13.Paris je t'aime
14.La Vie En Rose
15.Comme d'habitude (My Way)
16.La Mer
17.Under Paris Skies
19.Paris Canaille
20.Sous le ciel de Paris
22.The Poor People Of Paris
23.Champs Elysses
24.C'est mon Gigolo
25.Under The Bridge Of Paris