Conflict( 今晚吃鱼丸)

Okay Fack that
好吧 去那些吧
I'm still so **** Aiyyo
【Verse 1】
I want to forget some bad staff Thinking about something great
我想忘掉一些坏事 想点好的
Though I made a lot of mistakes I will let it go
即使我犯了一些错误 我也会放他去
There is no point to focus on what has been done
Let's move on burn the past Let'em go and fack themselves
不如向前看 烧掉过去 让他们自己操自己
Oh I think I just did something I shouldn't do again
It's not the right time no and they're just too lame
时机未到 不 还有他们也太逊了
Look up to me yeah you should
仰望我 你当然该这么做
You will never find anyone like after I fackin'graduate
But I look down upon you oh let's just who I am
但是我看不起你啊 这就是我的为人
I rather be a supervillain than a fake hero
Middle finger is M-Y way to say hello
Tell me something baby you don't like it But I don't give crap
跟我说说 宝贝 你不喜欢 但谁管你哦
Why shall I nowadays will they pay for being kind
我干嘛要这么做 当今他们会为善良付钱吗
Absolutely no Oh that just breaks your hope
当然不 靠 你希望破灭
You get nervous because of me Yeah that s**t we all can see
你因为我而紧张 是的我们都看得出来
Not interested in you girlfriend boy take it easy
小爷对你女朋友没兴趣 小子 放松点
My words beyond your understanding so y'all suck Johnny
我的歌词超过你们的理解 所以你们都去舔JK
Everybody doesn't like me oh they're too corny
所有人都不喜欢我 他们也太土了
What can I say girls they were stupid enough to leave me
我能说什么呢姑娘们 她们真是有够傻才会离开我
Pay attention to this game Though they told me it's not a game
专注于这场游戏 即使他们告诉我这不是游戏
Everytime I see your fackin'advice I only what to pee
I only do what's right at least what profits me
我只做正确的事 至少对我来说有益
Oh nerd screw up another examination
哦书呆子 考试又考烂啦?
What a pity a paper of s**t is enough to make you feel disposable
真遗憾 一纸的垃圾就足矣让你觉得自己可有可无
Bye bye dumb ass next time remember to be careful
拜啦傻帽 下次记得认真点哦
So we come here again
With this violence filling in my head
Never give a fack about'em
Never admit that I was wrong
Fack off if you don't like me
But if I don't like you you'll get damned
但如果我不喜欢你 你就凉了
Keep real don't pretend
Say no more go back to your cage
别BB了 回你的笼子里去(Kairy总喜欢把学校说成笼子)
【Verse 2】
I never like anything
But I do love your smile
There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance
Now you just don't have a choice But to find me don't you
现在你不得不来找我了 是吗
A lot of things've happend you can no longer bear'em can't you
太多事情发生 你再也忍受不住了 对吗
Thought you'd have a better life without me didn't you
But it turns out you don't even know how to rap So I snort you
结果你连说唱都做的乱七八糟 所以我嘲笑你
When these b*****s can't stop talking about s**t You actually join'em
You physicalpath just don't like people for no god-damn reason
你个变态 无缘无故就不喜欢别人
Are you better than'em?you look down upon them and joke'em
A work demon?Actually you're lazy as s**t
You say you never give a crap But you're broken as fack
你说你从不在乎 但你快崩溃了
You saw someone else facking your girl But you just play tough
你看着你爱的女孩和别人享受鱼水之乐 而你还在臭硬
You failed the exam same way how you fell from the top
你考试考烂了 你也是这么总上面掉下来的
But you motherfacker eventually blame it all to your luck
And get jealous of Johnny Cause he got more fans than you
还嫉妒强尼 因为他粉丝比你多
Want to diss everybody but don't know who's the one to sue Pathetic
看到谁都想Diss 却不知道谁才是该被指控的那个 可悲
You told'em that you'd sacrifce for ones you love
But in fact You slapped your face when it came to what you what
但事实是 只要涉及到你想要的 你就打了自己的脸
You promised her that you'd work harder But how do you spend your day
你向她保证你会努力学习 但现在你是怎么混天度日的的
You screwed up things you said you didn't care which is now killing you
你搞砸了那些你曾说你不在乎的事情 现在这要弄死你了
Now who's faker?Who's *****
Who touches something beyond understanding
谁接触了一些他不理解的东西(Mistake中讽刺了Faker rapper 说他们接触了自己不理解的东西)
Lights out they go to sleep and you start fighting me
关灯了 他们睡觉 而你开始与我抗争
How could you still not know it's a total waste of time
Locking me in that fackin'box doesn't really mean nothing
On the contrary you got murdered by yourself so just fack it
相反你要被你自己搞死了 所以去他的
Uncle J is coming Take off the mask and standing
小丑叔叔来了 摘下面具站起来(游戏《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆骑士》中患了小丑病的蝙蝠侠精神上一直在和小丑做斗争 为了让自己不变成小丑 在此小丑称自己为Uncle J)
The man who wrote god-damn Mistake was not you but me
写下天杀的Mistake的人不是你 而是我
Strang&Famliar was s**t why not just admit it
陌生与熟悉就是狗* 承认吧(陌生与熟悉是Kairy第一次写中文 也是被诟病最惨的一首歌)
When some told you about that you didn't face the fact
Now you have to you can't find any other reason to escap
现在你必须面对 你找不到别的理由逃避
Better figure who's fault before you seek for anyone to blame
You just choose grey area as a result you achieved nothing
你选择了灰色地带 结果你屁都没得到
Half-angel half-devil But they just keep leaving
一半天使一半恶魔 但他们不断离你而去
You're fackin'responsible for everything for which you're drowning
你对这一切都有责任 因此你快要淹死了
You just seem to fit in everywhere
But you don't belong to anywhere
You're nothing more a beggar looking like millionaire
So eager to impress everyone without looking at mirror
They're all about to see you give in cause you're a joke
Everytime you try to pick up the mic But you just choke
每次你努力拿起麦克 但是你却哽咽了
It's time to turn the table
Let me out so I can save
让我出来 我才能救你
Finally it's my turn to take control of the wheel
Oh I guess it's better this way
1.Conflict( 今晚吃鱼丸)