-----Hillary Clinton-----
Uh 5-6-7-8
Hi, Hillary here
Woman up
Been in power for many a year
Spent a decade or three in political spheres
You say I'm just first lady
you're killin me here
Strolling up to the Whitehouse, I never forget
The smell of carpe diem carpet bombs
and ceiling the debt
Back when I operated Bill
like a marionett
Sporting Gepetto stilettos
taking on ghettos and terror threats
Then real boy toyed
with the wrong brunette
Pinocchioing poking around
to get his wood wet
Still eight years running,
didn't break a sweat
Left with my head on my shoulders
I'm no Marie Antoinette
My speed is breakneck, take checks
won't apologize for the upset
Didn't die with my man
this ain't no Romeo, Juliet
Mama's back for the votes
just call me suffragette
Forget Bill
I'm an à la carte oligarch and I'm crushing it
Hi, Clinton is back
Suit up
In a pants suit and on the attack
Brute up
Protecting people from here to Iraq
Gonna pick up that torch from Barack
You can sing hallelujah
but I'm too much to Handel
Forget Shonda Rhymes
I invented the Scandal
Benghazi Nazi paparazzi
come and stir up another fuss
Call TIME magazine
I'm the queen of the cover ups
Gonna kick ass and take blames
Upper class, I'll take aim
Put Bernie in an urn and
fight the fanboy fanned flames
I'm hyper activist, The lion
elephant's nemesis
An emotional strategist
black mamba, I'm venomous
Wrathful warrior pacifist
channel Yahweh in Genesis
I'm the gaudiest godliest
godless minimal feminist
I'm HRC New election new me
All hail the female in 2016
-----Donald Jianguo-----
Uh, Hillary. Can i talk?
So we're supposed to elect you
just because you're a woman
You're less likable than Cruz
and he looks like a melting snowman
Such excitement for indictment
this email thing's a bad omen
Getting cold, better run to Putin
before you get Snowden
Don't be alarmed, it's just me
the real Donald Trump
I'm here to smear to give your ladies
and your ratings a bump
You pumped?
I'm the buyer's choice to make America great again
Mission's simple
give permission to let Americans hate again
Speaking of which, Obama's a Muslim
talk about foreign aid
Where was he born? Africa?
I popped out in suede
And hey, when life gave me millions
I made billionaide
Best served on ice with a plate
of Barack O'BBQ in the shade
Money money money mon---ey
Took my casino earnings
brought some cash to the party
Just spent a weekend at Bernie's
now we're crashing the parties
Poaching establishment voters on a Ferrari safari
Talkin a big game sippingon some fascist Bacardi
Jk I don't drink
I have self control
Unless you're not-white
Rosie O'Donnel, or an internet troll
Blew up Republican politics like the law was Sharia
Made Chris Christie my bitchie
Turned Carson into Madea
Ted held hands with Fiorina while my fans filled arenas
Poor bruised abused Cruz
I stole his role in God's Not Dead 3-uh
Bernie, baby, take notes from a true inside outsider
You're a dumbfounded dumb founder
of a movement that floundered
Your camp can riot at my rallies
but don't show up to fight
Things get messy when teens start exercising their rights
-----Bernie Sanders-----
So you're worth millions
well I'm a meme, that's my net worth
I'm set, working the net
go on and keep your networks
I'm gonna polarize ya, pulverize ya
separate the truth from lies
Can't stop the young people
Bernie's gonna youthenize ya
I'm new and old fashioned
hi, I'm Bernie Sanders
I came from the streets of Brooklyn
to be your chief commander
I meander gerrymandering and slander from a witch
Which, by the by
is why I pitched a campaign for the no-rich niche
Funded by Americans
Bernie's super packless
No corruption, no greed
I'm like a shamwow, no mess
Hit the campaign trail with black sails
Eff the police I'm freeing the black males
Stall white collar low ballers
from tipping cash to tip the scales
Gonna fill the jails with laymen
Hope their souls are worth the savings
Misbehave in the Caymens
Trump, you're gonna go to hell for your havens, oh boy
Hey Satan, is this seat taken?
America's gotta white-collar cravin
I'm the second most popular socialist
Jew gettin praised in this nation
If ya got a couple millions
you'll be revolushunned
I got 99 problems, but my percent ain't 1