Dream Sequence

Artist:kim wilde
Songs Title:dream sequence
Shadows across the floor
Memories fading in
Voices are far away
Now it can all begin
New york are on the phone
They want you here today
Was it a fashion show ?
Sorry they wouldnt say
Theres a world full of dreams
Lying on a pillow
Theres a world no-one knows
Wrapped up in her mind
(its all imagination)
Now she is back in school
(its the revolution)
Staring at broken glass
(do what we want you to)
Flicking the flies away
(total autonomy)
Watching the trains go past
Fighting the indian war
Cochise is closing in
Now she can touch his face !
Riding so close to him
Theres a world full of dreams
Lying on a pillow
Theres a world no-ones seen
Living in her mind
Sailing across a sea
Images on a screen
Watching the boats go by
Red merging into green
Roxanne dont run away
(youve been naughty girl)
I told you not to go
(stay in the garden)
Why do you run away ?
Mommy will sorry so