Talk More Talk (1993 Digital Remaster)

A master can highlight the phrases,
Sleasy instruments, half talked, half baked ideas...
Dad, you didn't say o.k....
The window was open, outside was a spaceship,
(a master can highlight the phrases) it took off into the sky
Leaving a trail of smoke behind it...
Short of the standard. was it the sun?
What was rehearsal? conventional drum?
Not quite a hundred. less that a ton.
Clearly the time came, the plan had begun.
With talk, more talk. chat, more chat.
Words of a feather are worn in a hat.
Talk, more talk. chat, more chat. i'm happy to do it for you...
Developed since earlier days at the school
Cheapest sensations were used as a rule.
Outstanding to memory, major free flow.
Bio-degradable, look out below for...
Talk, more talk, oh i love to hear the gentle sound
Of conversation sprinkled around
A room where i can be at one with you for...
Talk, more talk. chat, more chat,
Words of a feather are worn in a hat.
Talk, more talk. chat, more chat. happy to do it for you...
I'm happy to do it for you... i'm happy to do it for you,
I'm happy to do it, i'm happy to do it... i'm happy to do it for you.
Digital organ, finishing stretch, instrumentation, analogue gretsch.
Not quite a thousand, lower than that.
Possible bargain for listening at that...
Talk, more talk. chat, more chat.
Words of a feather are worn in a hat.
Talk, more talk. chat, more chat.
I'm happy to do it for you...
All you want is a handyman and all you want is quick service.
Because i'm a house owner. i'm a house owner.
It may be worth something someday.
I hear water going through the pipes.
I don't actually like sitting down music. music is idea.
Talk, more talk. chat, more chat.
Words of a feather are worn in a hat.
Talk, more talk. chat, more chat.
A master can tell, highlight the phrases his words to digress
Grey flannel trousers... grey flannel trousers.
A blazer and grey flannel trousers.
1.Stranglehold (1993 Digital Remaster)
2.Good Times Coming/Feel The Sun (1993 Digital Remaster)
3.Talk More Talk (1993 Digital Remaster)
4.Footprints (1993 Digital Remaster)
5.Only Love Remains (1993 Digital Remaster)
6.Press (1993 Digital Remaster)
7.Pretty Little Head (1993 Digital Remaster)
8.Move Over Busker (1993 Digital Remaster)
9.Angry (1993 Digital Remaster)
10.However Absurd (1993 Digital Remaster)
11.Spies Like Us (1993 Digital Remaster)