唉我说旁听生 心态放轻松 让自己闪烁
we stay young我们不接受任何的反驳
following 心头上最牵挂的人中没有间隔
i aint got probation 但我依旧会忐忑
嗨 ay watch me do that yea ay leave me if i right (相信我,即便你觉得我对了)
嗨 ay watch me do that yea ay leave me if i wrong (相信我,即便你不看好)
嗨 ay watch me do that yea ay leave me if i wrong (相信我,即便你不看好)
嗨 ay watch me do that yea ay leave me if i wrong (相信我,即便你不看好)
踏出了舒适圈第一步就感觉特别不舒服 huh
莫得的欲望在我内心灼烧着感受到火热的movement huh (步伐)
我想做写字的书生 huh
look at me keep on balling huh (还是一直在努力)
test me when will i falling huh (试试看我会不会掉链子)
so turn up i m better man make money 能把餐桌都放️ 我不在意付出多少才能抗起重要负担的杠杆 (我变的更强 所有人都跳起来)
慢慢变成money man 极限运动依然选择了跳伞 (钱人)
free man like kobe 有酒的话今晚必须倒满 (可惜,科比算是解脱了)
huh u better see me where i from (调查下兄弟哪儿来的)
huh hit a lot smoke in my lung (太多的烟雾在我肺部)
huh lil young 浦西 爱死 where you from (小屁孩叽叽喳喳)
huh i m in queens tell me who can take my round (我看看皇后区谁能占领我的地盘)
huh my mood is dying god save my care (别让上帝都觉得你怜悯)
玛德法克 trying hard to not believe in fear (他们居然不相信恐惧的力量)
i m talking bout you did wrong nothing i admire (我说的是你做的差劲)
the 发行 monster is made by you the whole nightmare (其实恐惧都是来自于你自己)
嗨 ay watch me do that yea ay leave me if i right (相信我,即便你觉得我对了)
嗨 ay watch me do that yea ay leave me if i wrong (相信我,即便你不看好)
嗨 ay watch me do that yea ay leave me if i wrong (相信我,即便你不看好)
嗨 ay watch me do that yea ay leave me if i wrong (相信我,即便你不看好)
watch me do some yea 别害怕终结 oh we need mood (看着我做 需要状态)
you need me i bet got some 韦德 i bet (我打赌你需要我和产品)
从来都不收你的钱 让状态更加迷一点
放肆的消费着不同的极品 感觉像活在梦里面
有时总觉得要喘不过气了 压力大迫使她折转难眠
在路上它经常会出现些岔口 阻止你看清楚辩题
bad news 不需要 letting everybody know (坏消息 别告诉所有人)
feeling lit enemy 都被我们爆了头 (感受冲劲 敌人)
不好意思闯出了poverty 从此不再街上游 (贫民窟)
holla me 服 with me 不用明争或暗斗 (来找我 跟我走)
把所有现金收进口袋 dont ask me for why (别问为啥)
我喜欢看每个人搞怪 不习惯躲债
不相信我的兄弟活该 轮不到你们吃菜
讨厌洋垃圾被你宠坏 只是个老外