Son Of The Morning Star

Come to me
Into my arms and see
There is no God to fear
Lucifer is near
Walk with me
Into the light and see
No way will be too far
Son of the morning star
Oh no I can't believe
I see the lord is born
Oh god the lord is born
Come to me
Into my arms and see
There is no God to fear
Lucifer is near
Walk with me
Into the light and see
No way will be too far
Son of the morning star
Oh no I can't believe
I see the lord is born
Oh god the lord is born
And he stood upon the sand of the sea.
And I saw a beast coming out from the sea,
having ten horns,
and seven heads,
and on his horns ten diadems,
and upon his heads
names of blasphemy.
And he opened his mouth for blasphemies against God,
to blaspheme his name,
and his tabernacle,
even them that dwell in the heaven.
Here is wisdom.
He that hath understanding,
let him count the number of the beast;
for it is the number of a man:
and his number is Six hundred and sixty-six.
And no marvel;
for Satan himself
transformed into an angel of light.
1.Mr. Sinister
2.Lupus Dei (Live)
3.Mother Mary Is A Bird Of Prey (Live)
4.In Blood We Trust (Live)
5.Saturday Satan (Live)
6.Prayer In The Dark (Live)
7.We Take It From The Living (Live)
8.Kiss Of The Cobra King (Live)
9.Lupus Dei
10.We Came To Take Your Souls (Live)
11.Tiger Of Sabrod
12.Mr. Sinister (Live)
13.Son Of The Morning Star
14.When The Moon Shines Red
15.Lucifer In Starlight
16.Mother Mary Is A Bird Of Prey
17.The Evil Made Me Do It
18.Vampires Don't Die
19.Behind The Leathermask
20.Demons & Diamonds
21.In Blood We Trust
23.Saturday Satan
24.Black Mass Hysteria
25.Kiss Of The Cobra King
26.Prayer In The Dark
27.We Came To Take Your Souls
28.We Take It From The Living
29.Lupus Daemonis