Hold on Tight (Tommy Jayden Remix)

Where ever I go I am ready
论我去往何处 我都准备好了
'Cause I know you been through the worst
I know it's dark, but don't you worry
我知道那时的昏天黑地 但现在已拨云雾见青天
If I know love, it shouldn't hurt
如果我懂得如何去爱 就不该伤害他人
Hold on tight in the waves with me now
紧紧抓住 在起伏之中与我同在
When the lights go, the lights go down
You'll be safe, you'll be sound
Hold on tight, would you wave with me now?
When the lights go, the lights go down
紧紧抱住我 你会和我一起挥手吗
You'll be safe, you'll be sound
紧紧抱住我 你会和我一起挥手吗
Hold on tight, would you wave with me now?
当华灯初上 夜幕降临
When the lights go, the lights go down
当华灯初上 夜幕降临
You'll be safe, you'll be sound
我们很强壮 我们很稳定
We are strong, we are steady
We won't fall in the rain
我抓住你的手 在你受伤之时
I hold your head when you're hurting
我们爱着一切 但是我们害怕着信仰
We all love, but we're scared of faith
紧紧抓住 在起伏之中与我同在
Hold on tight in the waves with me now
When the lights go, the lights go down
You'll be safe, you'll be sound
紧紧抱住我 你会和我一起挥手吗
Hold on tight, would you wave with me now?
当华灯初上 夜幕降临
When the lights go, the lights go down
You'll be safe, you'll be sound
1.Hold on Tight (Tommy Jayden Remix)