Act Two, Scene 1 - I don't like the look of the mist, Mr Redburn (Vere)

1.Prologue: I am an old man who has experienced much (Vere)
2.Act One, Scene 1 - Pull, my bantams! Pull, my sparrow-legs! (First Mate)
3.Act One, Scene 1 - Boat ahoy (Maintop)
4.Act One, Scene 1 - First man forward! (Claggart)
5.Act One, Scene 1 - You name? - Billy Budd, sir (Claggart, Billy)
6.Act One, Scene 1 - Billy Budd, king of the birds! (Billy)
7.Act One, Scene 1 - I heard, your honour! (Claggart)
8.Act One, Scene 1 - Come along, kid! (Novice's friend)
9.Act One, Scene 1 - Christ! The poor chap, the poor little runt! (Billy)
10.Act One, Scene 1 - What's that? What's those whistles? (Billy)
11.Act One, Scene 1 - Starry Vere we call him. Starry Vere! (Donald)
12.Act One, Scene 2 - Boy! - Yes, sir! (Vere, Boy)
13.Act One, Scene 2 - Mr Redburn and Mr Flint, sir (Boy)
14.Act One, Scene 2 - Ay, at Spithead the men may have had their grievances (Vere)
15.Act One, Scene 2 - We are, sir. Claggart is an able one (First Lieutenant)
16.Act One, Scene 3 - Blow her away, blow her to Hilo, Riley (Sailors)
17.Act One, Scene 3 - Here, lads! Here! Come here! (Donald)
18.Act One, Scene 3 - Hi! You a ..! (Billy)
19.Act One, Scene 3 - Over the water - Handsomely done, my lad (Sailor, Claggart)
20.Act One, Scene 3 - Come here. Remember your promise (Claggart)
21.Act One, Scene 3 - Billy! .. Hist! Billy Budd! (Novice)
22.Act One, Scene 3 - Dansker, old friend, glad to see you! (Billy)
23.Act Two, Scene 1 - I don't like the look of the mist, Mr Redburn (Vere)
24.Act Two, Scene 1 - Well, what is it, Master-at-Arms? (Vere)
25.Act Two, Scene 1 - Deck ahoy! Enemy sail on starboard bow! (Maintop)
26.Act Two, Scene 1 - Volunteers! Call for boarding volunteers! (Vere)
27.Act Two, Scene 1 - There you are again, Master-at-Arms (Vere)
28.Act Two, Scene 1 - Oh, this cursed mist! (Vere)
29.Act Two, Scene 2 - Claggart, John Claggart, beward! (Vere)
30.Act Two, Scene 2 - Master-at-Arms and foretopman (Vere)
31.Act Two, Scene 2 - God o' mercy! (Vere)
32.Act Two, Scene 2 - William Budd, you are accused by Captain Vere (First Lieutenant)
33.Act Two, Scene 2 - Poor fellow, who could save him? (First Lieutenant)
34.Act Two, Scene 2 - I accept their verdict (Vere)
35.Act Two, Scene 3 - Look! Through the port comes the moon-shine astray! (Billy)
36.Act Two, Scene 3 - Here! Baby! (Dansker)
37.Act Two, Scene 3 - And farewell to ye, old Rights o' Man! (Billy)
38.Act Two, Interlude
39.Act Two, Scene 4 - According to the Articles of War (First Lieutenant)
40.Act Two, Scene 4 - Down all hands! And see that they go! (First Lieutenant, Sail Master, Ratcliffe)
41.Epilogue: We committed his body to the deep (Vere)