Praise His Holy Name

Sing till the power of the lord come down.
Shout hallajuahpraise his holy namesing till the power of the lord come downshout hallajuahpraise his holy name
Amazin grace how sweet the soundthat saved that wrench like mei once was lost but now im foundwas blind but now i seejesus jesus how i love theeshout halleluahpraise his holy namemust jesus bear the cross aloneand all the world go freeno there's a cross for everyoneand theres a cross for mejesus jesus how i love theeshout halleluahpraise his holy nameholy jesus praise his nameoh hallejuah praise his holy name (x4)hal le lu jahahapraise his name hal le lu oh ya 3 parts togetherlord prase his hily name (x3)hal le lu jahahapraise his name hal le lu oh yalord prase his hily name (x2)praise his namepraise his holy namepraise his nameoh praise his holy name (2)prase him
1.Who Could It Be
2.Walk With Me
3.Did You Know
4.In The Name Of Jesus
5.We Need You
6.This Is How I Feel
7.For Thou Art With Me
8.One More Chance
9.Praise His Holy Name