Whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
It's yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
I sip the Dom P, watching Gandhi til I'm charged
小酌Dom P 观赏着《甘地》 直到灵感来袭
Then writing in my book of rhymes, all the words past the margin
皆跃于笔尖 那是我《押韵手册》的字字珠玑
To hold the mic I'm throbbin', mechanical movement
拿起麦克风带你飞起 行云流水的技艺
Understandable smooth shit that murderers move with
朗朗上口又言简意赅 恶棍们都随之摇摆
The thief's theme - play me at night, they won't act right
歌词的邪恶主题 夜间播放小心成为犯罪动机
The fiend of hip-hop has got me stuck like a crack pipe hip-hop
之瘾 如毒品般令我着迷
The mind activation, react like I'm facing
对人们思维的启迪 总觉得我像是Pappy Mason般 【毒枭Howard "Pappy" Mason 94年被指控谋杀入狱 】
Time like Pappy Mason, with pens I'm embracing
已时日无几 手上的笔要赶紧将思维付诸实际
Wipe the sweat off my dome, spit the phlegm on the streets
抹去额头汗水 痰也是随口一吐
Suede Timbs on my feet makes my cipher complete
麂皮天伯伦靴 我这一行头够酷
Whether cruising in a Six cab or Montero Jeep
不管是坐着阿三的出租 还是蒙特罗吉普
I can't call it; the beats make me falling asleep
我已分不清楚 因为这节奏让我坠入梦境
I keep falling, but never falling six feet deep
却绝不堕入地狱深处 我遨游梦中 【six feet deep=入土】
I'm out for presidents to represent me (say what?)
I'm out for presidents to represent me (say what?)
I'm out for dead presidents to represent me
算了 还是让钞票来替我服务
Whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
It's yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
To my man Ill Will, God bless your life
上帝与你同在 Ill Will兄弟
To my peoples throughout Queens, God bless your life
还有皇后区的人们 祝你们生活顺利
I trip, we box up crazy bitches, aimin' guns in all my baby pictures
招揽了许多疯娘们 我在襁褓里就能开枪射击
Beef with housing police, release scriptures that's maybe Hitler's
和警察们势不两立 他们颁布命令就如独裁希特勒附体
Yet I'm the mild, money-gettin' style, rollin' foul
钱财源源不断 坏事也做到底
The versatile, honey-sticking wild golden child
我如金牌神童般 多才多艺
Dwelling in the Rotten Apple, you get tackled
住在纽约城 随时都被警察惦记
Or caught by the devil's lasso, shit is a hassle
或是直接被逮捕 破事来个不停
There's no days for broke days we sell it: smoke pays
有时穷困潦倒 肚子只能靠卖大麻来填饱
While all the old folks pray to Jes煤s, soakin' their sins in trays
Of holy water, odds against Nas are slaughter
但圣水已无法洗刷他们的罪过 弱者都休想对付我
Thinking a word best describing my life to name my daughter
给女儿取名 名字最好能描述我的街头生活
My strength, my son, the star will be my resurrection
儿子出世将会是我的重生 那必是群星闪烁
Born in correction, all the wrong shit I did, he'll lead a right direction
出生时便能走上正轨 前生经历也将伴随
How you living, large -- a broker charge, cards are mediocre
要怎么过上好日子 靠经纪人? 钱只会越赚越少
You flippin' coke or playin' spit, spades, and strip poker?
那你是卖卖快克 做个赌客 还是玩玩脱衣扑克?
It's yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
It's yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
I'm the young city bandit hold myself down single-handed
我是新一代都市侠盗 成功仅凭一己之力
For murder raps - I kick my thoughts alone, get remanded
摒除杂念 秒杀你们的说唱如谋杀犯罪般写意
Born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne
自生自灭 那我的王冠和宝座谁来处理?
I'm deep by sound alone, caved inside, 1,000 miles from home
虽然唱出了心声 但毕竟仍离家千里
I need a new nigga for this black cloud to follow
我需要一个全新的自己 来将迷雾打破
Cause while it's over me it's too dark to see tomorrow
因为黑云笼罩着我 未来实在难以捉摸
Trying to maintain, I flip, fill the clip to the tip
维持生计就得贩毒 带着上膛的家伙
Picturing my peeps not eating can make my heartbeat skip
看到朋友们挨饿 让我心痛不已
And I'm amped up, they locked the champ up, even my brain's in handcuffs
但也要抖擞精神 拳王蹲了号子 我的脑袋都被上了镣铐 【迈克泰森92年被指控在印第安纳强奸入狱】
Headed for Indiana, stabbing women like the Phantom
来到印第安纳 如歌剧《魅影》男主般将刀刺向女人
The crew is lampin' Big Willie style
Check the chip-toothed smile, plus I profile wild
赚了大钱 少颗牙我都能开怀大笑
Stash loot in fly clothes, burning dollars to light my stoge
貂皮衣里塞满票子 点雪茄用美钞
Walk the blocks with a bop, checkin' dames
带着我的妞街上漫步 却瞄着其它靓妹的臀部
Plus the games people play bust the problems of the world today
人们总漫不经心 但世界性的问题还需关注
It's yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
It's yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine; whose world is this?
It's yours
世界属于你 世界由你掌控
Yea aight?
To everybody in Queens, the foundation (It's yours!)
献给皇后区的每个人 那是我的根基所在(世界属于你们)
The world is yours
世界属于你们 世界由你们掌控
To everybody uptown, yo, the world is yours (It's yours!)
献给上城区的每个人 哟 世界属于你们
The world is yours
世界属于你们 世界由你们掌控
To everybody in Brooklyn
Y'all know the world is yours (It's yours!)
你们懂得 世界属于你们
The world is yours
世界属于你们 世界由你们掌控
Everybody in Mount Vernon, the world is yours (It's yours!)
献给蒙特弗农的每个人 世界属于你们
Long Island, the world is yours(It's yours!)
长岛 世界属于你
Staten Island, yea the world is yours (It's yours!)
斯坦恩岛 世界属于你
South Bronx, the world is yours (It's yours!)
南布朗克斯 世界属于你