7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano):VII. Jagargossen (The Young Huntsman)

1.7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano):I. Under strandens granar (Under the Fir-Trees)
2.7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano):II. Kyssens hopp (The Kiss´s Hope)
3.7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano):III. Hjartats morgon (The Heart´s Morning)
4.7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano):IV. Varen flyktar hastigt (Spring Flies Speedily)
5.7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano):V. Drommen (The Dream)
6.7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano):VI. Till Frigga (To Frigga)
7.7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano):VII. Jagargossen (The Young Huntsman)
8.6 Songs, Op. 50:I. Lenzgesang (Spring Song)
9.6 Songs, Op. 50:II. Sehnsucht (Longing)
10.6 Songs, Op. 50:III. Im Feld ein Mädchen singt (In the Field a Maid Sings)
11.6 Songs, Op. 50:IV. Aus banger Brust (From Anxious Heart)
12.6 Songs, Op. 50:V. Die stille Stadt (The Silent City)
13.6 Songs, Op. 50:VI. Rosenlied (Song of the Roses)
14.6 Songs, Op. 90:I. Norden (The North)
15.6 Songs, Op. 90:II. Hennes budskap (Her Message)
16.6 Songs, Op. 90:III. Morgonen (The Morning)
17.6 Songs, Op. 90:IV. Fagelfangaren (The Bird-Catcher)
18.6 Songs, Op. 90:V. Sommarnatten (Summer Night)
19.6 Songs, Op. 90:VI. Vem styrde hit din vag? (Who Brought You Hither?)
20.Skogsraet (The Wood Nymph), JS 171
21.Belshazzar's Feast, JS 48: No. 2b. The Jewish Girl's Song (version for voice and piano, "Solitude")
22.Likhet (Alikeness), JS 120
23.A Song, JS 71:En visa (A Song), JS 71
24.Serenad, JS 167 (version for voice and piano)
25.Tanken (The Thought), JS 192