One final tasks
that I must do
This must be done
The info’s overdue
Data on
Impostors here
Must permeate
Our planet’s atmo sphere
on my tablet
Homebase must know the imminent threat
Impostors know
just where I’ve been
Must find a way to get back to Admin
Letter to MIRA HQ
This message serves to tell you
Of dangerous creatures they
look like we do
I quietly write this memo
To send to Earth and Polus
The SKELD is not safe since they
came to get us
If and when you all receive this
Send us no rescue team
Let this letter serve to warn of
Imposters lurking
As the last of my ship’s crew
I hope you solve the mystery
Let my final letter become
Writings of History
Moving through
The room and halls
Evading vents
And cameras on the walls
Narrow dodge
From closing doors
Refuse to be
A body on the floor
Lights go out
Slide past the Medbay
Make sure that the data’s sent HQ’s way
Quickly slide
Through Admin’s gate
This one task will deside the world’s fate
Letter to MIRA HQ
This message serves to tell you
Of dangerous creatures they
look like we do
I quietly write this memo
To send to Earth and Polus
The SKELD is not safe since they
came to get us
If and when you all receive this
Send us no rescue team
Let this letter serve to warn of
Imposters lurking
As the last of my ship’s crew
I hope you solve the mystery
Let my final letter become
Writings of History
Finally here my tablet’s out
Imposters near without a doubt
Gonna do what must be done
Uploading with nowhere to run
They’re getting close danger en route
This will be my final bout
Wielding knives and tongues and guns
This will ensure and end to their fun
Waiting the files to send
Imposters near the final bend
I write a warning that will tell
Of the dangers here
Doors close
Hard to defend
Hopping forth straight through the vent
As the end draw’s near
The files send
No need to fear
Letter to MIRA HQ
This message serves to tell you
Of dangerous creatures they
look like we do
I quietly write this memo
To send to Earth and Polus
The SKELD is not safe since they
came to get us
If and when you all receive this
Send us no rescue team
Let this letter serve to warn of
Imposters lurking
As the last of my ship’s crew
I hope you solve the mystery
Let my final letter become
Writings of History