Gotta black breast Chinese eyes
Got an English brain that gonna make me wise
Got a long story that I wanna tell
To a rhythm that I know so well
Really got a lot of lovin' that I wanna give
Baby I'm a mystery but you know I gotta live
I tried another but she didn't want to know, no, no, no, no
Take a hold now if you can
Take a lesson from a hard lovin' man
I'm a long way from where I wanna go
Guess, I'll stay awhile, I really love you so
How's about another sip of all the wine you got
Take a tip from me and give it here I'll drink the lot
I'm not a winey, I'm a puttin' on a show, no, no, no, no
You really grab me but I've gotta move
Before they know I'm here and spread the news
Maybe in a while when I've moved around
I can find a way to pay you back your twenty pounds
Really got a lot of lovin' that I wanna give
Baby I'm a mystery but you know I gotta live
I tried another but she didn't want to know, no, no, no, no
Gotta black breast Chinese eyes
I got an English brain that gonna make me wise
I got a long story that I wanna tell
And to a rhythm that I know so well
I really got a lot of lovin' that I wanna give
Baby I'm a mystery but you know I gotta live
I tried another but she didn't want to know, no, no, no, no
I really got a [Incomprehensible] one time
3.Schnick Schnack Meltmade
4.Isa Door
5.No More No More
6.Harmonic (Luminessence Heavycompression Filter)
9.Brootle (Simulant Remix)
10.Tiny Reminder No 3 (Calexico Remix)
12.Start as You Mean to Go On
13.Sunshine Recorder (Luminessence Dark Filter)
14.Te Noch Rp
15.Nine (Luminessence Schizo Filter)
18.Hipnotic Drugstore
19.7rain (Filter)
20.Walk This Land (Edit)
21.My Red Hot Car
22.Капитан Африка
23.Ventolin (Salbutamol Mix)
24.Даже Если Она Не Вернётся
25.I Put a Spell on You
26.Teresa's Eyes