1.Cool on the Current
2.A Cool Nights Cool
3.Blowing in the Breeze
4.A-Section on the Air
5.The Time Feel of a Twilight
6.The Duke and Daylight Savings
7.A Breath of Bebop
8.Zephyr Sounds
9.New Orleans by Starlight
10.Swing in Solstice
11.A Waft of West Coast
12.88 Nights of Summer
13.A Midsummers Jazz
14.A Flurry of Fusion
15.Chilled by the Breeze
16.Cool Summer Sounds
17.A Whiff of Whole-Tone
18.As the Sun Goes Down
19.Airflow of Axe
20.One with the Shade
21.Boogie Woogie Breeze
22.Dancing in the Draft
23.The Ballad of a Cooling Wind
24.Summertime Standards
25.Hipster in the Heat of Night