snowing in LA

It's not snowing in LA
But it's cold and I need you to stay
但冷彻心扉 我需要你的驻足
Don't care where we're going as long as
I got you right here next to me
We don't need no presents (presents)
No stockings by the warm fire, just you and I
抛去仪式感 唯有你我依偎在炉火旁
I know it's not snowing in LA
我深知 洛城不见雪
It's empty, but I want you to stay
可我若有所失 渴望你的驻足
I know you got family to go see, I know
我深知 你要去探望你的家人
Sorry I've been getting greedy
Want the whole thing
A little needy, hold me closely (oh)
再多一点 将我紧拥入怀
By the fire, kiss the night away
围着炉火 亲吻至深夜
Just you and I
I know you know Dasher and Dancer
我深知 你知道圣诞老人的传说
Comet and Cupid
科密与丘比特的到来 (也是圣诞老人的两只麋鹿的名字)
Can't take me high the way you do
So don't tell me you're leaving
所以 请不要离我而去
This holiday season
The city ain't the same without you
这座城 因你而变的不同
It's not snowing in LA
But it's cold and I need you to stay (need you to stay)
但冷彻心扉 我需要你的驻足
Don't care where we're going as long as
I got you right here next to me (next to me)
We don't need no presents (presents)
No stockings by the warm fire, just you and I
抛去仪式感 唯有你我依偎在炉火旁
I know it's not snowing in LA
我深知 洛城不见雪
It's empty, but I want you to stay
可我若有所失 渴望你的驻足
Stay, won't you stay babe?
你会留下来的 对吧宝贝?
I know you gotta home town
我深知 你有自己的家乡
And LA been a ghost town
此刻的洛杉矶的街道 空无一人
There ain't no one here but us
可这并无大碍 只要我们在一起
This ain't an ordinary Christmas, I know
我深知 这次圣诞并非循规蹈矩
But we can make it a winter wonderland
Street lights, bright lights deck the nights with you (with you)
路灯亮 窗边明 与你一起装点光亮
The city move fast but it slow now
这座城人行匆匆 但在此刻慢了下来
We can drive right down Hollywood to see the stars
我们可以驾车至好莱坞牌下 夜览星辰
Spend the night on the boulevard
彻夜难眠于 好莱坞大道
It's not snowing in LA
Just cold and I need you to stay (need you to stay)
但冷彻心扉 我需要你的驻足
Don't care where we're going as long as
I got you right here next to me (next to me)
We don't need no presents (presents)
No stockings by the warm fire, just you and I
抛去仪式感 唯有你我依偎在炉火旁
I know it's not snowing in LA
我深知 洛城不见雪
It's empty, but I want you to stay
可我若有所失 渴望你的驻足
1.snowing in LA